Chapter 57: Reconciliation

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Leon: I know... That all of you, especially my fans love me and would support me in everything I do. And I know how some of you would do anything and everything you can to make me feel like a winner but today... I don't need to be a winner. I've got everything I wanted. Friends, fans, love, fame. What else do I need? I wanted to sing, not to be the winner and beat Tomas. In fact, I think that Tomas deserves to be the winner.

Everyone: (Confused)

Ludmi: Wow Violetta. For someone who really hated Tomas, he sure is being really kind to him.

Vilu: I know... But why?

Leon: The song Tomas sung is a very old song he composed for a very special girl but that special girl fell into the arms of another boy and trust me, I do feel sorry for Tomas. I really do. He fought with him just to get her but it was no use because at that time when she and that guy broke up, Tomas wanted to be with her but she choosed none of them and that really broke his heart because he didn't get the slightest chance to even be with her.

Diego: Wow Vilu, You have a lot of history with these two.

Vilu: ..........

Fran: Your not helping Diego!

Diego: That's because I wasn't. I just decided to say it.

Leon: When Tomas decided to leave for Spain to pursue his career, he had to leave one of the most important person behind, which is "her". But he had no other choice. Since then he never saw her again until 3 years later. But to his disappointment, she was already in the arms of that same boy who he fought with 3 years ago. He couldn't do anything about it. He was upset, he was broke because after all, she was his first love. And he was her first love.

Vilu: That last sentence is really getting into me, I can't take it anymore.

Fran: Hang in there girl.

Leon: So let's all give some appreciation to this talented man right here for composing that beautiful song and for always remembering her in his heart. If it is real love, it never dies. This shows how much he cares about her but couldn't be with her. Sometimes, everyone should get a chance to be a winner. So let's all give a round of applause to Tomas Heredia for always being strong through his struggles. No one should ever go though what he has gone through.

Everyone: (Stood up and gave Tomas a standing ovation)

Tomas: (Speechless)

Leon: Tomas, if you can feel it, I'm very happy for you. You have a huge future waiting for you. That song you wrote, is really beautiful and you deserve the recognition. (Set the mic down and went off the stage)

Vilu: (Ran to him) Leon? What... What was that for?

Fran: Are you sure you are yourself today?

Ludmi: You realized you stood up for Tomas right?

Leon: Of course I know what I did. I did the right thing. Don't you guys feel sorry for him? All those time when he left the country, I know he felt like as if he lost Everything, including the chance to be with Violetta. I know what he felt and that's why I'm doing this. He may be stubborn but we are all humans and we should be treated equally.

Vilu: Treated equally? Have you forgotten what he did? He didn't care about our relationship and kissed me-

Leon: The only reason why he did that was because he wanted to feel as if he is together with you. He wanted to feel as if he has won because all this time, you didn't give him the chance to be with you and you treated him horribly when you met him at the mall. You should have talked to him, maybe he would have understood. You judged him too quickly, you all did.

Vilu: Well then how come all this time, you didn't say anything?

Leon: I was trying to analyze the entire situation before I wanted to even speak it out.

Tomas: (Came) Uhm, Leon? I just wanted to say thank you for doing what you did. It kind of made me feel better after everything that has happened between us. And Violetta... I just want to say thank you for being the best thing that has happened in my life. We may not be together, and I know that we never will be but I'm really going to treasure the times you and I have been through together. Its's been wonderful and I'll never forget it.

Vilu: (Developed a smile)

Tomas: At least when I'm old, I'll be able to tell my kids and my grand kids if I ever have one that my first love was a kind, beautiful and talented girl. And... I'm really sorry for kissing you. I didn't mean to hurt your relationship with Leon. He is really a great guy Violetta. You are really lucky. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Smiled but felt guilty) Thanks and.. I'm really sorry for how I treated you when I was younger. I was just young and confused and I was still growing.

Tomas: It's... Alright.

Vilu: I'm also sorry for judging you too quickly when I first saw you since you came back. After Leon explained everything... I realized how awful I have been to you. I hope you can forgive me for whatever I did including choosing Leon over you.

Leon: Okay now you are just being horrible to me!

Tomas: Don't say sorry to me. You just hurt Leon by saying that. I don't want you to hurt him anymore. I know you guys have broke up like so many times. It's time you both stick together for once. You are actually lucky to have Leon over me. I'm a mess, I really am. And don't try to tell me I am not. In fact, I should be the one apologizing to you for whatever I did.

Vilu: It's alright Tomas... One last hug?

Tomas: I can't...

Vilu: (Turned to Leon)

Leon: (Smiled and nodded his head)

Tomas: (Sigh) Alright then... (Hugged her)

Vilu: (Hugged back)

Fran: This is so touching...

Cami: Tomas, we would all like to go but I think Violetta and Leon has something very important to tell you about their relationship.

Ludmi: And if you really have accepted them as you say you do, then you won't have any trouble hearing this at all.

Tomas: Okay... What is it?

Vilu: (Looked at Leon) Well...

Leon: Me and Violetta... We are... We're getting married in a few weeks time....

Tomas: (Lost of words)

Will Tomas accept them or nah...? And I think what Leon did was really sweet. ☺

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now