Chapter 2

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(The next morning)

Vilu was sleeping on her bed. She was tired. She spent her whole evening working on her song and she didn't even eat dinner. She was hoping to get at least 8 hours of sleep because thats all she needed.

Olga: (Opens door) VILU! TIME TO WAKE UP! Come on now.

Vilu (Still sleeping)

Olga: Vilu, vilu. Alright then. I have no choice. (Pulls out phone and plays Voy Por Ti at the highest sound level and puts it at her ears)

Vilu: (Wakes up) OMG, WHAT THE- (Falls on the floor)

Olga: (Stops music)

Vilu: Why did you do that Olga?

Olga: That was the only way to wake you up. U refused to wake up when I called you so I let Leon do the job with his song. And it worked.

Vilu: (Annoyed)

Olga: Now get dressed and join the others for breakfast. I need to clean this room)

Vilu: Yeah, yeah okay.

15 min later...

Vilu: (Walks down stairs to eat breakfast)

Angie: Morning Vilu.

Vilu: (Still a bit annoyed) Morning Angie.

Angie: Is everything okay, Vilu? You look a bit sick and why are you touching your head? What happened?

Vilu: Olga happened! She played Voy por ti on her phone, and put it on my ears. AND THE SOUND WAS AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL. I GOT A SHOCKED AND FELL TO THE FLOOR.

Angie: Oh, Vilu I'm so sorry about that. You know how Olga is. She is a bit... crazy at times. I'll talk to her later okay? Now lets go and eat breakfast.

Vilu: (Walks with Angie to eat at the table)

German: AHH, Good morning everyone. Whats for breakfast?

Angie: Well, someone is happy today.

German: Oh, yeah. Me and Ramallo managed to figure out what was missing from the-

Vilu: Uhm, excuse me. Can we please not discuss about your work here?

German: How did you know it was going to be about my work?

Vilu: What's new? (Sarcasm)

German: (Confused)

Angie: I don't think that's the way to talk to your father Vilu.

Vilu: Yeah? Well I don't think he should have done what he did with me and Leon yesterday! Thats not the way either!

German: Listen Vilu-

Vilu: I don't want to listen dad. I had enough. I'm going out to buy my OWN food. Don't even bother asking where. I just need an alone time for myself.
And tell Olga not to do what she did this morning. My head still hurts. (Grabs bag and goes out)

German: Wait, what did Olga do?

Angie: (Sighed and shook her head)

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