Chapter 29: Double Dates and Dress Attendant's

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(In Francesca's room)

Fran: OMG, I am so excited and glad to see you here Vilu. Okay, spill everything!

Vilu: About?

Fran: Your relationship with Leon? How is it going?!!

Vilu: Great I guess. This morning, he woke up before me and went to take a shower. And the best part of all was I was sleeping next to him and I didn't know.


(In the living room)

Diego: So how's it going with Violetta? Great?

Leon: Never been better. This morning I decided to wake up before her so that I could surprise her. I'm amazed that she didn't even notice at first because I was sleeping next to her the entire time.

Diego: Woah, slow down. You are... SLEEPING WITH HER?

Vilu: Shhh... Would you calm down?! Nothing happened I swear. And it was all my dad's idea.

Leon: Woah, no need to shout. The girls might hear you. It's no big deal. We just slept. Nothing happened.

Diego: Are you sure? Because anything can happen on the bed even if you don't plan it. (Giggled)

Fran: OMG, anything could happen! Because it's Leon we are talking about. Even though I am not his girlfriend or anything, I know he is a very romantic guy.

Leon: Seriously Diego, please don't start.

Vilu: Seriously Fran, Please don't go that far.

Fran: Alright, I'm sorry. I'm just so excited!! One day you guys will be married and having your own kids and then I'll be the greatest Auntie ever! (Excited)

Vilu: (Laughed)

Diego: I can't wait for you both to get your own child! I'm a natural at kids so there will be no problem in me being the greatest uncle ever and taking care of him/he (Smiled)

Leon: Ha-Ha, very funny Diego.

Fran: Alright so enough chattering. How about we go on a double date together? You and Leon and me and Diego?

Vilu: But what if that incident happen again?

Fran: Nah, it won't. Trust me. It's pretty rare.

Diego: Well, I think that's enough talking for now. I say we go out together.

Leon: You and me?! No dude, that's creepy.

Diego: NO! I mean we go on a double date.

Leon: What if...

Diego: No, It won't happen again, trust me.

Leon: Alright then we should go tell the girls-

Vilu: Hey Leon, I want to ask you something.

Leon: Yeah, me too. But you first.

Vilu: No you!

Leon: Okay, We were thinking if-

Leon and Vilu: If you would like to go on a double date together will Fran and Diego....

Fran: (Looked at Diego)

Diego: (A but guilty)

Vilu: Did you two set us up?

Diego: Of course not. I guess me and Fran just have the same thinking...

Fran: Yeah....

Vilu: But who's going to drive us?

Diego: Obviously me. Seriously Leon, you need a car.

Leon: I know I do. I already have my driver's license. I just need to buy a car.

Diego: Then you drive. (Smiled)

Leon: Diego, just drive us and finish this conversation now!

Diego: (Laughed) Alright, if you say so.

(Later at the mall)

Vilu: I'm so glad you drove us to a different mall. I guess it's more safer.

Diego: Yeah but don't be too happy. Anything could still happen.

Leon: Then I guess we just have to be prepared.

Fran: Don't worry Leon. Everything will be alright.

Diego: Yeah-

(Suddenly Diego bumbs into a girl)

??: Hey, watch where you are going... Wait, Diego?!

Diego: Uhm, I'm so sorry.

Vilu: I can't believe we meet again.

Leon: Yeah, I thought that time would be the last time I see you.

??: Oh, shut up Lion.

Fran: Ludmilla... Nice to see you again.

Ludmilla: Yes, yes. Great to see you too.

??: Ahhh, Ludmilla, come on let's go and..

Leon: AHHH, BRO!

Diego: Nice to see you again Fede!

Fede: Nice to see you all to. Hi Violetta, Hi Francesca!

Vilu: Hi Federico.

Fran: Yeah, Hi. It's been quite a while.

Fede: It has. Me and Ludmilla just want to go to that dress store over there. As usual...

Ludmilla: (Glared at him)

Fran: Really? Because I was about to tell Diego to go there too. Violetta, Leon, me and Diego are going on a double date. So do you want to join us..?

Ludmilla: I guess so. Since we all are going to the same shop then why not? Let's go.

(Later at the dress shop)

Vilu: OMG, this dress is beautiful. I could use it for any event including a Red Carpet event or a premiere.

Fran: This dress really suits me. I just love this. Its not too fancy and not to shiny. I can use it anywhere.

Ludmilla: All I know is that my dress is better than the both of you. My dress has a pocket which is easier for me. So it's not only beautiful, but functional too. (Smiled)

Fran: Classic Ludmilla... (Glared at Vilu)

Vilu: (Laughed)

Ludmilla: Well, I want this dress. Fede, can you afford this?

Fede: (Sigh) Fine, but this is the last okay. I'm not your bank. So where's the dress attendant?


??: Yes, how may I be of an assistance... LUDMILLA?

Ludmilla: ...........

Uh- oh, trouble. Who do you think the dress attendant is and how does he know Ludmilla? Could he be someone from her past or someone related to her? And is this going to affect Violetta, Leon, Diego and Francesca? Find out in the next chapter☺

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