. Chapter 60: Dinner Night

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Mrs Vargas: We sure do. Or else it will get awkward.

Angie: Okay Leon, care to do the introductions?

Leon: Okay so, this is my good friend Francesca and that is Diego. Over there is also my good friends Cami, Broudey and Federico.

Fran: Yes, and I can't help but notice that all of your name Start's with an "L".

Mr Vargas: And?

Fran: Nothing... I just find that very interesting that's all...

Mrs Vargas: Ah, well it was just a coincidence. Since both our name started with an "L" we thought of continuing the "L" tradition and that's how "Leon" was born.

Leon: Mum, your making me blush abit...

Vilu: Your so cute when you blush. (Giggled) I can't imagine having a boyfriend whose name is not "Leon". It's a beautiful name.

Diego: Excuse me, I'm right here.

Vilu: I'm sorry Diego, really.

Diego: ...........

Cami: By the way, my name is Camila but you can call me Cami. (Said awkwardly)

Broudey: (Whispered) My love, that was not necessary...

Cami: (Whispered) I don't care!

German: OKAY.... Should we all sit for dinner?

Mrs Vargas: Of course.

[15 minutes later during the dinner]

Everyone: (Awkwardly silent)

German: Ehem, should we all be talking about something?

Mrs Vargas: Well, maybe you can start explaining to me how Ludmila
became your step daughter.

Ludmi: Oh that is a very long story Mrs Vargas. Maybe I will tell you that myself later.

Mrs Vargas: Uhm, okay...

German: So Leon? Uhm, how is it like to be engaged with Violetta?

Leon: Awesome, couldn't be better. I'm just so thrilled and relieved that I am going to be marrying Violetta and not some other girl.

Mr Vargas: What do you mean by that. Are you referring to Ludmila?

Ludmi: (Stared at Leon)

Leon: What? No! But on the other hand, yes.

Ludmi: Excuse me?

Leon: I'm sorry, I'm just saying...

Ludmi: Just saying?! That was a direct insult!

Leon: Even if it was, you deserve it. We all know how you were back in the days.

Ludmi: True, but we did date so that technically means that if our relationship was close enough, you would have proposed and we would be getting married.

Fede: ...........

Leon: Well then how did that turn out?!

Ludmi: ..........

Leon: Exactly, the only person YOU should be marrying is Federico! He is your boyfriend. Not me. I'm taken. (Smiled at Vilu)

Vilu: (Blushed)

Ludmi: Stop trying to show off your relationship Lion. Nobody cares.

Leon: Everyone who cares about me and Violetta's relationship, please raise your hand.

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now