Chapter 42: Is this for real?

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Leon: (Placed the paper down)

Mrs Vargas: You really wrote beautiful peoms when you were young...

Leon: Well, that was because I was lonely and I had no one so all the poems I wrote came deeply from my heart. I even cried once.

Mrs Vargas: (Hugged him) Leon, I think you know what you need to do now.

Leon: I do. Thanks for reminding me of those days mum. But can I keep the real ring? Just in case when I feel the time is right.

Mrs Vargas: Of course. Here. (Gave him the box and the rings together with the poem)

Mr Vargas: Finally, I'm done unpacking.

Mrs Vargas: About time. Your so slow.

Mr Vargas: If you think you could do better, why don't you do it next time? See, this is the reason why I sometimes hate being rich.

Leon: I'm going to give it to her now.

Mrs Vargas: What? The real ring?!

Leon: Well, no. The "V" ring. (Smiled)

Mrs Vargas: (Smiled) Go.

Leon: (Went out and closed the door)

(Later with the Castillo family)

[Door rings]

Olga: WHO IS IT?!

Leon: ME!

Olga: (Opened the door) Ah, Leon. Great to see you.

Leon: Great to see you to Olga. Uhm, is Violetta in her room?

Olga: Yes she is. Before you go, can you help me?

Leon: Okay... What is it?

Olga: Can you help me taste this coffee? (Brought him the coffee)

Leon: But why?

Olga: Just tell me how it tastes like.

Leon: Uhm, okay. (Drank it) Oh, god it's too thick.

Olga: I knew it! Anyways, Thanks for tasting it.

Leon: Yeah, your welcome. (Went up to Violetta's room)

Vilu: (Writing in her diary)

[Door knocks]

Vilu: Come in.

Leon: (Opened the door)

Vilu: (Quickly closed the book) Leon?! Hi, what are you doing here? I was just... thinking about you....

Leon: (Mumbled to himself) I know you were...

Vilu: What?!

Leon: Nothing! So Uhm, what are you doing?

Vilu: I was just writing in my diary.

Leon: About?

Vilu: Uhm, nothing really. I was just drawing...

Leon: But you just said that you were writing in your diary.

Vilu: Did I? Uhm, I meant I was drawing...

Leon: Okay...

Vilu: So what brings you here?

Leon: Something very special obviously.

Vilu: What?

Leon: I... want to give you something.

Vilu: (Freaked out abit) What... is it?

Leon: (Pulled out a box and opened it)

Vilu: (Almost had a heart attack)

Leon: Here. (Took out a shiny ring with the letter "V" in it)

Vilu: (Stunned) Oh, Leon what is this?

Leon: (Gave it to her) This is a special gift from me to you. This ring has a lot of history in it.

Vilu: What kind of history?

Leon: Well, when I was younger, I went to a shop with my mum and saw a ring that had the letter "V" in it exactly like this one. I wanted my mum to buy it but she didn't want to.

Vilu: Why not? Your parents are filthy rich.

Leon: Because I was 12! I begged for that ring because I wanted people to know that I had a girlfriend. When I saw that ring, I literally fell 'In love' with it. I told myself that I would actually have a girlfriend in the future with the name starting with the letter "V"

Vilu: And how did that turn out? (Laughed)

Leon: (Laughed) Great of course. When my mum didn't want to buy it, I was really upset. When I questioned her why, she said that I wouldn't understand until I grew up. But guess what?

Vilu: What?

Leon: My mum actually bought that ring for me behind my back. I had no idea until now. She said that she knew my words would come through and it did because here you are. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Laughed)

Leon: This is the exact same ring. She gave it to me just now. So here I am, giving it to you. This ring found its way back to its place, which is in your finger. (Smiled)

Vilu: You came all the way here just to give me this ring? Thank you. I am so honored. Thank you for being my boyfriend, thank you for this awesome ring, thank you for everything Leon. I love you. (Hugged him)

Leon: (Smiled)

Ludmi: AHEM!

Vilu: (Let go of him) Oh hi Ludmilla.

Ludmi: Hi... What are you two love birds doing?

Vilu: Ehm, (Whispered) Should I tell her?

Leon: (Whispered) If you want...

Ludmi: Tell me what?

Vilu: What?! Nothing...

Ludmi: Don't try to lie Violetta. I have ears like a bat.

Leon: No wonder your face looks like a bat too.

Ludmi: (Gave him a death stare) Lion...

Vilu: (Kissed him) Thank you for the ring Leon.

Leon: Anytime Princess. I'm going to leave now. Bye. (Left)

Ludmi: Wait, hold on! RING? Did he propose?!

Vilu: (Closed the door) No, of course not. (Explained everything)

Ludmi: That's a nice ring really. But do you think he will ever propose?

Vilu: That's the thing. I don't think he ever will. I just want us to be together forever and not let anyone come in between us again. But in order for it to happen, he must give me the official ring.

Leon: (Heard everything from outside the door) Oh, Vilu... (Left)

Vilu: But I love this ring. And I'm never taking it off.

Ludmi: What is your parents see it?

Vilu: Then I'll just explain it to them.

Ludmi: They might think that it's a wedding ring.

Vilu: As I said, I will explain it to them.

Ludmi: Alright, I'm off now.

Vilu: To where?

Ludmi: To the bathroom of course. Bye. (Went out)

Vilu: (Gazed at her ring and smiled) At least I got you. Thank you Leon.

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now