Chapter 46: Will you...

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Leon: Uhm...

Vilu: Can I see your phone?

Leon: NO.

Vilu: FINE! (Wanted to walk away)


Vilu: (Stopped)

Leon: (Sigh and just took out the phone from his pocket and gave it to her)

Vilu: So it was you?

Leon: (Sigh) Yeah... I wanted to surprise you...

Vilu: Aw, Leon. Maybe you should try harder next time.

Leon: Yeah, no kidding.

Vilu: If you wanted to go out with me, you could've just asked right. Fede was so worried.

Leon: I just wanted to make it extra special because I do have a surprise for you! (Smiled)

Vilu: (Giggled) You do? Whatever it is, I know it will be great. (Hugged him)

Leon: Now hold my hand and close your eyes.

Vilu: Alright. (Closed her eyes)

Leon: (Brought her to a place) And we are here. Open your eyes.

Vilu: (Opened her eyes) Oh, but this is...

Leon: That's right.

Vilu: This is the first place we met. You saved me from those skater kids. I was such a little girl back then.

Leon: Yeah, I knew you would remember this place. There is a specific reason why I brought you here.

Vilu: Oh, why is that?

Leon: Violetta (Held her hand) There is something I need to tell you...

Vilu: Okay...

Leon: We have been through so much together, and I know now that you are the one for me. (Bent down) Violetta, will you do me the honor Of-


Vilu: (Turned around)

Leon: (Annoyed)

??: Violetta! How are you?

Vilu: Clement? What are you doing here?

Clement: I was walking when I saw you. It's been quite a while.

Vilu: It has, hasn't it? (Smiled and hugged him)

Clement: Leon Hi! Ehm, What are you doing?

Leon: Uhm... I was just tieing my shoelace....

Clement: But your shoes doesn't have laces.

Leon: Uhm.. That's the problem with shoes these days... They have no laces... (Fake Laughs)

Clement: So Violetta, what are you doing here?

Vilu: Well, Leon brought me here. He said that he had a surprise for me. This was the first place we both met each other. (Smiled) He saved me from these bunch of skater kids. Without him, I would've gotten Injured.

Leon: I was just doing my job...

Clement: So Leon, what was the surprise you wanted to give her?

Vilu: Yeah Leon? What was it?

Leon: Uhm... I brought you here because....

Vilu: ..........

Leon: Because I saw Clement! He was walking so I thought you might be happy to see him. So... Surprise?!

Clement: Wait, so I was the surprise? Thanks Leon.

Vilu: Yeah, thanks Leon.

Leon: Yeah.. No problem....

Vilu: So clement, what are you doing here?

Clement: Well, have you heard of-

Leon: Uhm, I must go now.. I have an important thing to attend to...

Vilu: Alright, bye Leon. See you later. (Smiled)

Clement: It was great seeing you Leon. (Smiled)

Leon: Yeah... Just great.... (Walked away)

[Leon walked with sadness and dismay down the road as he stared at Clement and Violetta talking to each other. He was so heartbrokened that he didn't get to ask her the most important question that could change their lives forever]

Leon: (Stared at Vilu and opened the box that had the ring in it) Looks like some things weren't meant to be... (Walked away)

??: (Saw everything) Poor Leon...

I feel sorry for Leon, don't you? :(

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now