Chapter 31: Explanations and Confessions

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Vilu stomped all the way back to the car with Leon together with Francesca and Diego with Ludmilla running behind.

Leon: My love, slow down. What's with you?

Fran: Yeah Vilu, slow down. This is not a marathon or something.

Ludmilla: (Still running with Fede)

Leon: (Ran in front of her and grabbed her hand to stop her) My love, stop!

Vilu: I can't...

Fran: What's the matter with you? I know you are upset because Tomas is here but he didn't do anything yet.

Leon: Yeah...  You are being more mean to Tomas than how I was to him back in the days.

Diego: I still don't understand this entire thing. Someone please explain.

Fran: Must we?

Diego: Yes, so I can understand better and maybe give her some advice.

Vilu: Alright. Tomas.... was my first love. From the minute we laid our eyes on each other, we felt like we had a connection, that we were in love.

Leon: Okay, I really regret standing here right now.

Vilu: Just listen Leon! He always cared about me and he always talked about me and him being together but of course that didn't happen. Then came Leon. We first met each other when Leon wanted to save me from this bunch of skater kids and he did. I'll always remember the first time he called me pretty. (Smiled)

Leon: Memories... (Smiled at her)

Vilu: At that time, he was dating Ludmilla-

Ludmilla: Can we forget that ever happened? I just feel disgusted.

Leon: And I feel so blind for picking a girl who was a monster on the inside.

Ludmilla: EXCUSE ME?

Vilu: Okay, okay. But then of course came Ludmilla. She was the one who always competed with me over Tomas and she always won. She was a mean, selfish flirt who always came in between our relationship and ruin everything.

Ludmilla: And again, sorry for that.

Vilu: So as I was saying, when Tomas joined the studio, everything went wild. Ludmilla would always fight with me over Tomas, Leon would always fight with Tomas over me, Ludmilla would always fight with Leon about me and so on. Then one day, Leon brought me to this place. I had no idea where it was and then one minute later, guess what happened.

Leon: Should I say it? (He said proudly)

Vilu: Alright, you do the honor.

Leon: I kissed her (Smiled)

Vilu: Yup, my first ever kiss. So the different was, Tomas was my first love, but Leon was my first Kiss. And of course we were dating at that time. But Tomas just couldn't accept us being together. He was always stubborn. He was always in the way of our relationship and that made Leon jealous several times and then we broke up. After that, Tomas told me he wanted to go back to Spain to pursue his career in music and I was heartbroken and sad but he went anyways but me and Leon weren't together at that time so...

Diego: Wow, what a story tho...

Fran: (Looked down)

Diego: Fran, are you okay?

Fran: I'm fine...

Diego: You don't seem fine.

Ludmilla: I know what's wrong.

Vilu: Do you want us to tell him?

Fran: (Sigh) Fine...

Diego: Tell me what?

Ludmilla: Francesca over here loves him too. She always did. I always remembered how we three used to fight for him and I always won.

Diego: Is that true?

Fran: (Sigh) Yes... I used to like Tomas. Then those feelings turned into something special. But I always kept it a secret because I knew how much it would hurt Violetta if she finds out that I liked him.

Vilu: True... And I always hid my feelings for Tomas too because I knew how much it would hurt Leon.  Everytime I turned around, I see Tomas.

Leon: Well now your hurting me even tho that all was part of the past...

Vilu: (Sigh) Aww, come here. (Gave him a side hug)

Diego: What a complicated story.

Vilu: I know....

Diego: I'm lucky I didn't had to witness all that but that was all in the past. What are you worried now? That he would try to get you back? That won't happen. You are with Leon.

Vilu: I know,  but I know Tomas better than anyone here. He won't give up on something or someone he likes even though how long ago it was. He even...

Diego: What?

Vilu: Uhm, nothing...

Ludmilla: Okay, spill it Violetta. We know that pause.

Leon: What Violetta?

Fran: Just say it.

Vilu: (Sigh) I probably shouldn't say this but... When Tomas left for Spain, a few months later he texted me saying how he would be back soon and that he and me would probably have a chance to be together.

Leon: What?! And what did you say?

Vilu: Nothing... I just ignored it and carried on with my life.

Fede: Wow, so he does still like you.

Ludmilla: Fede, your not helping!

Fede: Sorry...

Diego: It's so weird because he actually liked all of you girls here. And now that you all have a boyfriend, I'm pretty sure that he must have feel left out because he thought that he might have a chance with either one of you.

Vilu: This is why I stood up to him just now. I know what I feel right now which is love for Leon and not for him. I don't know about the both of you...

Ludmilla: Well considering the amount of times I flirted with him, I guess I still kinda like him...

Fede: Excuse me? I'm right here.

Ludmilla: But not as much as I love you darling. (Smiled)

Fran: Yeah, I feel sorry for him and all but I still kinda like him.

Diego: Great, now I'm next.

Fran: Please don't Diego. Just understand that my feelings for you is much stronger. I'm just saying because he was the second guy I liked.

Diego: So who's the first?

Fran: You of course. (Smiled)

Diego: (Smiled at her)

Ludmilla: We all know that is a lie Fran. You liked Broduey before you even liked Tomas.

Fran: Would you shut up?! I lost interest in him because I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Camila.

Diego: It's alright Fran. I understand. But Tomas seems like a cool guy.


Vilu: Shhh, Leon. We know how you feel but cut Diego some slack. Understand that Diego just met him. Diego, we know him better than you so I don't think you should judge that fast.

Diego: I'm just saying...

Tomas: (Ran) VIOLETTA, WAIT!

Uh-oh! Looks like Violetta was right about Tomas not wanting to get off her back. What's gonna happen next? Don't forget to vote for this chapter :)

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