Chapter 17: Talk it out

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A few days later after Vilu went home from the hospital, everyone was happy again. Leon even visited her once in a while to check on her.

German: (Opens door) Ah, Leon your here!

Leon: That's right. I really miss her too. I-

Olga: AH, LEON! You have arrived! Come on in! I am so happy that you are here! This house is really boring without you! Do you want some coffee?!

Leon: (Stunned) Uhm, no thanks Olga. I'm just here to see Violetta....

Olga: AH, yes! You two are meant to be. I just love you both together! And also because you make my princess happy! And when my princess is happy, I am happy because you make her happy and you are also happy which means I should be happy too!

Leon: (Confused)

German: (Annoyed) Uhm, okay Olga why don't you go make for me some coffee? That would really make me HAPPY.

Olga: Go make it yourself! I am not your servant and you are not important right now. The one who is important is Leon! He makes my princess happy and that it why I am happy! TODAY IS A HAPPY DAY!

Leon: (Didn't know what to say.)

German: (Annoyed)

Vilu: Hey Leon!

Leon: Hi Princess (Hugs her)

Olga: (Started to cry) Oh, I just love LOVE! Its so romantic. I can watch you two hug for hours and hours!

Vilu: (Blushed and stunned at the same time)

Leon: (Just stood there)

German: (REALLY annoyed) Okay Olga! Why don't you let Violetta and Leon be on their own now and make me some coffee before I make coffee and give it to you to drink.

Olga: You don't even know how to make coffee properly! Fine I'll do it! (Scoffed)

German: I am... so sorry about her. She can get a bit emotional with LOVE.

Leon: I understand.

Vilu: Okay, well I'm going to bring Leon upstairs so that maybe we can talk or spend some time together. I mean, not in that way. You know that right? I mean like-

German: I know what you are saying. Its okay. You two deserve your privacy and I'll respect it. I gave my word that I won't do it again and I won't. (Smiled)

Vilu: Thanks dad. (Smiled)

Later in Vilu's room...

Leon: So...

Vilu: So...

Leon: What do you wanna do?

Vilu: I don't know maybe talk about... everything?

Leon: Everything? About?

Vilu: Our love history? About how much pain we suffered not being together. About how you and Tomas used to fight for me. About how you were dating Lara and how I was dating Diego? About how Alex aka Clement and Gery were trying to break us up after we were together? About how.... (Tears came to her eyes)

Leon: About how....?

Vilu: About... how I pretended to actually be Roxy so that I could spy on you and then you ended up falling in love with her instead of me. That was the second most painful moment in this entire story. You loved her because she wasn't me. You told me that. (Cried harder)

Leon: (Heartbrokened) Listen princess. I'm uspet as you are over that and until this day, I question myself everyday Why did I do such a thing. I could never forgive myself for that. I just... don't know what got into me that day. But I love you Violetta
and I never stopped and never will. Those people who intefered with our reltionship was just a test from love to see if we were meant to be or not. Weather we could come back to each other despide everything. And here we are. (Touched her hand)

Vilu: (Smiled) I'm scared to say this but you are right.

Leon: Even our arguements and differences are a test from love to see if we could forgive and never stop loving each other. (Went closer to her) And here we are. Yup and I think the most painful thing you have ever told me was like how you said just now. You dressed up as Roxy to spy on me and I was MAD when I found out it was you. I didn't want to forgive you for that. But then you told me this sentence which really broke my heart. You said that you hope the love I have for you will someday make me to forgive you for what you have done.... and it did. Those words stabbed me in the heart like a knife. It was so painful but I didn't want to say it.

Vilu: (Looked down and Smiled) I'm lucky to have you Leon. I love you.

Leon: Love you too princess. (Went it to kiss her)

Suddenly the door opened.

Olga: (Crying) OH THAT WAS SO EMOTIONAL! Not that I was standing there listening to you both talk or anything. I just overheard it. ITS SO BEAUTIFUL! LOVE IS SO STRONG! (Cried harder)

Angie: What in the world is going on here?

Vilu: Olga heard us confessing our love to each other and a bunch of other things so that is why she is crying.

Angie: How many times have I told you to give them space Olga?

Olga: I just couldn't help it. They are just so in love, I cry.

Vilu: (Didn't know what to do)

Leon: (A bit embarrassed)

Angie: (Just shook her head)

So did you guys enjoy this chapter? XD Olga is me to be honest. Don't forget to vote for this chapter if you like this. :)

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