Chapter 48: Pushing it to far

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Clement: I'm so sorry about what I said... I just....

Vilu: What Clement?! What!?

Clement: Ehm... I.....

Vilu: Just stop talking! I've heard enough!

Clement: I'm so sorry Violetta... I just-

Vilu: I think the person you should be apologizing to is Leon! (Folded her arms)

Clement: Leon... I'm so sorry about what I said....

Leon: ...........

Clement: But you know that I wasn't lieing right? You did hurt her a lot. I was just looking out for her...

Leon: (Leaves)


Gery: (Touched her head) Oh my goodness....

Clement: Violetta....

Vilu: Don't talk to me Clement! (Walked away)

Gery: How wonderful! You just had to make things even more worst didn't you?!

Clement: Well I'm sorry. It's the truth and he knows it.

Gery: Stop dwelling on the past! Leon loves Violetta. He loves Violetta so much that he even bought a ring for her. It is you who is getting in the way of their life! Stop worrying about other people's relationship and start worrying about yours!

Clement: My relationship? With who?

Gery: ME! Because I'm breaking up with you!

Clement: (Sigh) Gery, please don't...

Gery: It's too late! You should have thought about this! I can't have a man like you around. If you still like Violetta, go and marry her then! Be the one for her! (Started to cry) If you really LOVE Violetta so much, then you should just let her go and be happy with the man she loves. If you could just open your eyes and realize that then all of this wouldn't have happened! (Leaves)

Clement: ............

[Later with Vilu]

Vilu's pov:
Oh no. Where's Leon? I hope he is not doing anything bad to hurt himself. I just hope he is okay. I really feel sorry for him.
~End of Pov~

[Suddenly, she saw Leon sitting on a bench]

Vilu: (Came to him) Leon...?

Leon: (Didn't answer)

Vilu: (Sat down) Leon... are you okay?

Leon: (Shook his head)

Vilu: Leon, I heard everything Clement said. Is it true? You wanted to propose to me?

Leon: ...........

Vilu: I see... I'm so sorry about what happened and If it wasn't for Clement, I think I would've been crying my eyes out with joy...

Leon:. ...........

Vilu: Leon, I know this might be hard for you to take in but look at the bright side, you can still do it.

Leon: Vilu, I wanted to make it perfect. And that was the perfect moment.

Vilu: (Shook her head) No, it wasn't. If you didn't manage to propose to me property, it means that it's god's way of saying that it wasn't the right moment. You need to know when it's the right moment.

Leon: And how will I know when is that?

Vilu: That is something that you have got to ask yourself. (Smiled)

Leon: (Smiled half way) And Uhm, about what Clement said about me not being there for you and all...

Vilu: Let's not talk about the past. The most important thing now is that we are together and we love each other. Nobody will be able to take that away. No one knows what we have been through together for the past 3 years better than us. I think we have suffered enough. Let's just focus on our future because I can already see myself holding our baby in my hands. (Smiled)

Leon: You... Really mean that?

Vilu: (Smiled) 100%

Leon: (Smiled) Can I get a hug...?

Vilu: (Smiled) Anytime you want.

Leon: (Smiled and hugged her)

Vilu: (Hugged him back)

Clement: (Saw everything and went away)

What a boring chapter. I'm sorry cuz I'm having stomach crams and I'm not really feeling what I write

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now