Chapter 44: I'm sorry

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[At the Vargas household]

Mrs Vargas: Leon, are you okay?

Leon: I'm fine mum...

Mr Vargas: Son, I'm sure that Violetta will understand if you tell her the entire truth.

Leon: She will be heartbroken if she finds out that I don't want to propose to her because I am not ready.

Mrs Vargas: Leon, it's your decision. You are going to do the asking. Not her.. well at least I hope not. If she doesn't want to accept that, then you two are not meant to-

Leon: MUM!

Mr Vargas: Honey, why would say such a thing?

Mrs Vargas: (Paused for a while) Your right.. I'm sorry Leon. I don't know what got into me just now. It made me upset thinking that she is the one giving you all the pressure. I mean, you are my baby.

Leon: Mum, I am not technically your "Baby. I'm not a small kid.

Mrs Vargas: But you are still my son and my boy no matter what. So Understand that.

Leon: ........

[Doorbell rings]

Mrs Vargas: Leon, maybe you should get it.

Leon: (Got up and opened the door) Violetta? What are you-

Vilu: (Hugged him)

Leon: (Surprised but hugged back)

Vilu: (Started to cry)

Leon: Vilu, why are you crying?

Mrs Vargas: (Came) Violetta... What a pleasant surprise. Why don't you come in and sort things out with Leon

Vilu: (Went in)

Mr Vargas: Ah, Violetta. Nice to see you again. How are you? (Smiled)

Vilu: I'm good Mr Vargas. How are you?

Mr Vargas: I'm fine. (Smiled)

Mrs Vargas: (Whispered to Leon) I will leave you two to talk. Honey, come and help me with something upstairs.

Mr Vargas: (Annoyed) Oh, sure. When I need help, Nobody cares. It's always me helping. (Went up with her)

Leon: Violetta, what happened?

Vilu: Leon, I know...

Leon: Know what?

Vilu: Everything. I know that you are feeling stressed because of me. I know you heard me telling to Francesca and Ludmilla about how you will never propose and how upset I was.

Leon: .......... How did you know?

Vilu: Ludmilla told me...

Leon: Well then how did she know?

Vilu: Because I had an awful dream of you proposing to me but then I said no.

Leon: What?!

Vilu: Yeah, and then you got angry and called me selfish. Then you walked out of the door.

Leon: Wait, I proposed to you in your room?

Vilu: Yeah...

Leon (Just kept quiet)

Vilu: Leon, I'm really sorry that I made you upset and stressed over this. I never intended to tell you because I was scared that it would make you become crazy. This is the second time I was caught saying that. The first one was at the restaurant's bathroom where that stupid psycho chick captured me saying it. Leon, when you feel that the time is right, you do it. I don't care if I have to wait my entire life for it.

Leon: Vilu, you know you wouldn't actually have to wait your entire life right.

Vilu: I'm just saying...

Leon: Plus I too was scared to tell you the truth because it would make you upset.

Vilu: This is not the way Leon. We need to learn to be honest with each other regardless of whatever the situation is.

Leon: I agree.

Vilu: So from now onwards, complete honesty okay? (Smiled)

Leon: (Smiled) Okay. (Hugged her)

Mrs Vargas: (Smiled) I see that you both have made up. I'm so proud of the both of you (Smiled)

Leon: (Smiled)

Vilu: (Smiled) Thank you Mrs Vargas.

I know this was quite a boring chapter so just hang in there. The best chapter's comes with patience. ☺

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now