Chapter 51: "Our first kiss"

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Vilu: (Sigh) Oh my goodness...

Ludmi: What are you going to do now Violetta?

Vilu: I need to find Leon.

Fran: Do you want us to help you?

Vilu: No. This is something I have to do by myself. I will search this entire country for him if I need to.

German: You really do love him eh...?

Vilu: With all my heart. (Smiled)

Angie: Then go and find him.

Vilu: (Smiled) I will. (Leaves)

Ludmi: Fede, toilet now!

Fede: Ugh, not again!

Ludmi: YES, again!

Fede: (Annoyed)

Fran: Angie, you don't mind if me and Diego stay for awhile do you? I'm so tired.

Angie: No, not at all. Stay for as long as you want!

Olga: Just don't make me run up and down the kitchen to serve you both food and drinks.

Diego: Don't worry Olga. We promise that we won't.

Olga: Thank you. Now will you excuse me, I need to go clean up. (Went to the kitchen)

Diego: Are you thinking what I'm thinking? (Giggled)

Fran: (Giggled) Absolutely...

[Later with Violetta]

Vilu: (At the park) LEON! LEON!

(There was no answer)

Vilu: Maybe I should try calling him. (Called him but no one answered)

Vilu: I'll just message him then.
"Hey Leon, I'm looking everywhere for you. Where are you? Call me back soon. Love ya"

Vilu's pov: Maybe I should try going to his house. He might be there.
~End of POV~

[Later at Leon's house]

Vilu: (Knocks on his door) Leon! Are you in there?

(No one answered)

Vilu:(Accidentally Pushed the front door and it opened) Huh, why is the front door not locked? Robbers could enter. (Went in but everything was normal until she saw Leon's room) Why is his door opened? Maybe I should go see.

[Violetta went up the stairs and went to Leon's room. The door was opened and she slowly took a peek inside but nobody was there. Then suddenly, her eyes laid on something very important. She saw a paper with roses drawn on it. She was curious to know what was in it so she took it and read it.

Vilu: (Read it)
I'll be the warrior to fight for our love,
We'll fly higher, higher than the dove. I'll be your wall and
shield you from danger,
I'll take all your pain, for to me they are no stranger.
You'll be the queen in the kingdom of my heart,
And then I'll be the king, so we'll never be apart.
You'll be my princess, I will serve you forever,
And at all times, I will leave you never.

[Vilu's eyes was filled with tears after reading the heartmelting poem. She could feel the connection in it. Suddenly, she saw another piece of paper behind it. It was another poem. So she decided to read it]

Vilu: "If raindrops were tears
And it rained every day,
The rain couldn't wash
My heartache away.
You're still my ideal,
My love never dies,
But it cuts to the bone,
What I see in your eyes.
You want me to stop,
You want to be friends,
But you'll be my true love
Until breath and life ends"

[Vilu starting tearing up more. She knew exactly what that poem meant. Suddenly, she got a text. It was from Leon. He wanted to meet her at the same place where they first shared their first kiss]

Vilu: (On the phone) Okay, see you later. (Went down the stairs and went out of the door)


Vilu: (Arrived at the park and sat down on the white bench)

[Suddenly she felt a presence behind her but before she could even turn around, her eyes was closed shut.

??: (Closed her eyes) Guess who?!

Vilu: Hmm, maybe this handsome guy named Leon Vargas?

Leon: Your absolutely right. (Laughed)

Vilu: (Looked at him) Leon! (Hugged him)

Leon: Hey princess. (Smiled)

Vilu: Look, about Clement, I-

Leon: Let's not talk about him okay?

Vilu: I know you were hurt... Ludmilla said that she saw you crying.

Leon: Well, I was going to but I tried to hold it in. But before I reached the back door, I just couldn't anymore...

Vilu: I'm so sorry about Clement and Tomas... I- I just....

Leon: Shhh.. It's alright. Let's focus on why we're here. (Smiled)

Vilu: Alright... But make it quick because the sun is about to set.

Leon: That's the whole point. According to my calculations, it will set in approximately... 2 min.

Vilu: Wow Mr Genius, you don't need to show off...

Leon: (Laughed) I'm not. Now close your eyes. (Smiled)

Vilu: (Closed her eyes)

Leon: Think about the most romantic place ever.

Vilu: (Opened her eyes) What is this Leon?

Leon: Just trust me. (Smiled)

Vilu: Alright... (Closed her eyes)

Leon: I want you to imagine... A perfect place with perfect music.

Vilu: (Eyes still shut) Ah, It is a wonderful place. I love it. (Smiled)

Leon: Well, there is only one thing left to do...

Vilu: What is it...?

Leon: Open your eyes.

Vilu: (Opens it)

Leon: (Smiled and came down to his knees opening a red box with a shiny diamond ring inside) Violetta Castillo, would you do me the honor and make me the most happiest man alive... And marry me? (Smiled)

Vilu: (Speechless)

I personally want Violetta to say "Yes". So this is a very special chapter I wrote because duh, it's my birthday so I wanted you all to enjoy it with me. :P I hope you guys enjoy this

Violetta 4: The future is in our hands [A Leonetta story]Where stories live. Discover now