Chapter 23: Let's do it

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[The next morning]

Vilu: (Woke up and saw Leon sleeping on the other side of the bed]

Vila's pov:
Aww, he's so cute when he sleeps. I wish I can wake up to his gorgeous and handsome face everyday. Too bad he is not my husband. Wait, this is a test isn't it? So apparently he is my husband. Just not the real one. If this is what I am going to wake up to everyday, then I might as well just get married now. Oh who am I kidding? He probably doesn't want to right now. Okay so I don't know if I should wake him up or not. He is just too cute. I guess I'll just do it.
~End of pov~

Vilu: (Wanted to wake him up but suddenly stops)

Vilu's pov: Maybe I should just let him sleep. After all, I'll only get to see him like this once. I'll just go and take a shower first. He will probably be awake once I'm done.
~End of pov~

Vilu: (Takes her clothes and towel and goes to the bathroom next to her room and took of all her clothes and put it in a basket) Oh, dammit. I forgot my skirt. I think I might have left it at my room. I'll just go and get it. (wrapped herself with a towel)

[When Violetta opened her door she saw Leon still sleeping so she went in to find for her skirt]

Leon: (Suddenly woke up and saw Violetta with a towel wrapped around her but he pretended like he was asleep]

Leon's pov:
Oh, my god. Am I dreaming or what? She left me here to sleep while she went to take a bath? That's something a wife would do. So why is she doing this? Does she know that I would definitely see her? Anyways, what is she looking for? Maybe I can help. Wait, is that her skirt? She must be finding for it. I better help her.
~End of pov~

Leon: (Slowly took her skirt that was beside the bed and tossed it to her direction on the floor and quickly pretended to go back to sleep)

Vilu: (Turned) Ah, there's my skirt. But how did it end up here? Wait, now I remember! I placed it on the side of my bed yesterday so then how did it end up on the floor?

[Violetta looked at Leon but he was still sleeping. Then she realized that he was breathing harder than he was when he was actually sleeping just now. She automatically knew it was him]

Vilu: (Walked to Leon) MR LEON VARGAS!

Leon: (Shocked and woke up) Oh.. Hey princess... (Gulped)

Vilu: Don't 'Princess' with me right now! I know u threw my skirt on the floor!

Leon: And?

Vilu: What do you mean "And "? You were spying on me weren't you?

Leon: Okay, I admit I was but is that a bad thing?

Vilu: Yes and no.

Leon: What?!

Vilu: I... (Sigh)

Leon: Um, you do realize that you are not wearing anything right? You are just wrapped in a towel.

Vilu: Of course I know! But aren't you old enough to actually see me?

Leon: I think so...

Vilu: Then get over it. We're gonna have to see each other someday right.

Leon: Uhm, can we save that talk for next year?

Vilu: Okay fine. Thanks for helping me find my skirt. I'll go take a bath first. Then later it'll be your turn.

Leon: Alright...

[After Violetta took her bath it was Leon's turn. When they were both done, they headed down for breakfast]

(At the table)

German: Ah, good morning people. Oh and good morning Leon. Good morning to you too Violetta. (Smiled)

Leon: ......

Vilu: .......

Angie: So how was it last night? Did you both do anything fun?

Leon: Uhm...

Vilu: Yeah, we just played pillow fight yesterday.

Angie: That's all?

Vilu: Yeah, I guess that is our idea of having fun. We did nothing else other than that...

Leon: Yeah, nothing.

German: Okay...

Vilu: Plus, me and Leon came up with a great idea to get back at the paparazzi later this evening (Told him their plan)

German: That's... Not a bad idea. That's Quite an ingenious plan.

Angie: I agree.

Vilu: We want to dress our BEST.

Angie: Maybe you can use one of your mother's old dresses. I guarantee it will look great on you since you look almost just like her.

German: And Leon, I have a suit that might fit you. I used it when I went to dances or parties when I was younger so I think it will have NO problem fitting that tiny body of yours.

Leon: Uhm, thanks.

Note: I'm going to fast forward this story for now.

[So once It came to dawn, Violetta and Leon were both getting ready for their dinner. German was helping Leon with the suit's button in his room because it was a bit tight while Angie was helping Vilu with her makeup in another room. Once they both were done, they opened the door at the same time.

Leon: Well, hello beautiful (Smiled)

Vilu: (Blushed)

German: Yeah, yeah save that for later. Are you both ready?

Vilu: Of course.

German: Now, when I heard the plan I of course had to make my own arrangements for you both so I got a car for you both. There will be a driver there to drive you. Don't worry. He is someone you know. (Smiled)

Vilu: You could of told us...

German: I forgot too. Anyways, good luck out there. I know you both can do it.

Angie: Come on, let's go down.

Olga: (Came out) OH MY GOD. YOU BOTH LOOK SO GORGEOUS. (Started to cry)

German: Uhm, Olga look! There's a letter for you on the table!

Olga: What? Where?

German: (Whispered) GO! NOW IT'S YOUR CHANCE! GOOD LUCK!

Olga: I don't see it...

Angie: (Kissed Violetta) Good luck. (Opened door)

Leon: My lady, may I?

Vilu: Of course (Held his hand as they walked out to see a normal and black car)

Leon: Wait, who's the driver?

Vilu: Let's find out anyway. (Pressed the button on the car to pull down the black window)

??: Violetta, Leon! Missed me?

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