Chapter 30: Trouble in Paradise

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Ludmilla: You...

??: Ludmilla, it's been so long. (Smiled)

Ludmilla: ......

??: What's wrong?

Ludmilla: N-nothing. Federico darling, come here.

Fede: (Came) What is it...

??: It's you! And darling? Wait, are you and Ludmilla?

Ludmilla: Yes we are Tommy. How are you...

Tomas: I'm fine...

Fran: (Came with Diego) Hi Tomas...

Tomas: Fran, hi. And who is this...?

Diego: Yeah Francesca, who is this guy?

Fran: It's not important, my love.

Tomas: Wait, you both are dating too?

Vilu: (Held Leon's hand and came)

Tomas: (Looked at her) Violetta...

Vilu: Uhm, Hi... Tomas.... (Looked down)

Tomas: Great, so I guess you are with...

Leon: That's right, me. Hi Tomas...

Ludmilla: This is really awkward...

Diego: Well, would you guys care to explain who this guy is?

Fran: Diego, this is Tomas... My Uhm, friend. Tomas, this is Diego, my boyfriend...

Tomas: Uhm, hi.

Diego: Yeah, hi.

Tomas: (Kept looking at Violetta)

Vilu: Uhm, I'll be at the car with Leon.

Diego: Wait why?

Vilu: I just don't feel comfortable here.

Tomas: Wait, Violetta! Don't go. I know you want to leave because of me but let's just put our past in the past and at least be friends.

Vilu: I don't... want to. I don't want to risk ruining my relationship with anyone including my love, Leon.

Ludmilla: She's right Tommy... I know I did terrible things to you and that I was selfish and a flirt to you and all but that was in the past. Everyone is my friend including Violetta. She's my sister. (Smiled)

Tomas: What?!

Fran: Let's face it Tomas. While you were gone, we all moved on and matured. I've known Diego for 2 years already and I love him.

Tomas: Why are you guys telling me this?

Vilu: Why?! Because you created nothing but trouble for us all in the beginning. So right now, we just want to clarify to you that we all have changed. Including our FEELINGS for you!

Tomas: ........ What do you mean?

Fran: You know exactly what we mean. I love Diego, that will never change. Ludmilla loves Federico and has changed herself to be a better person and that will never change. And Violetta LOVES Leon to death and that will NEVER change.

Tomas: So what you all are saying is, your not going to be friends with me anymore?

Vilu: That's not the point. The whole point is that we all have changed but we don't know if you are ready to accept it or not. If you can accept Francesca, Ludmilla, me and Leon for who we are now, then we will have no problem.

Tomas: I can accept all of you but you Violetta...

Vilu: I knew it. You can't get over me right?!

Tomas: No, that's not what I wanted to say. But can we at least be friends?

Vilu: (Folded her arms) All right. We can. But listen to this alright Tomas? I LOVE Leon and that will never change. What we had in the past is gone. Don't expect me to ever return those feelings to you because that won't ever happen. I just want you to accept me and Leon being together. And if you think that we are going to probably break up in a few days time, your wrong because we have grown. We had A LOT of people already tried to get in between us and it worked. But this time, it won't happen again. We promised eternal love to each other. So don't ever come crawling to me and saying that you have feelings for me because I don't care. Do I make myself clear?

Tomas: .......

Vilu: (Rolled her eyes and went with Leon back to the car)

Fran: (Sad) I'm sorry Tomas... (Went away with Diego)

Ludmilla: (Places the dress down) I'm sorry too Tommy. I'll come back next time to buy this. Right now, I just need some time. Come on Fede. (Held Federico's hand and went away)

Tomas: .......

DUN-DUN-DUH! XD Tomas is back. What's going to happen now? Will he be able to accept everyone now including Violetta and Leon's relationship? Find out it the next chapter.

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