Chapter 56: "Sing-off"

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[About an hour later at the Table]

Cami: Fran? Are you okay? You haven't ordered anything yet.

Fran: Why would I order something from a restaurant who used to belong to my family and now doesn't? Everything is wrong. The food is supposed to be served Italian and my brother is supposed to be working here!

Diego: My love, calm down...

Fran: How can I come down?! You won't understand any of this because You and I didn't even met each other 3 years ago and you don't even know this place.

Cami: Fran, stop being caught up with everything that is supposed to be happening and just enjoy this night. For Vilu and Leon's sake. I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for all of this.

Fran: Whatever that explanation is, it better be good because I am certainly not in a good mood right now.

Vilu: Fran if you want, we can leave now. I'm not really enjoying myself here anyway. Neither is Leon.

Leon: Yeah, and I don't really feel comfortable here.

Fran: Fine... Let's go home.

Ludmi: Hold up! You can't leave!

Fran: Why can't we?

Ludmi: Well, if you turn your heads behind then you will surely know why.

Everyone: (Turned their heads)

Fran: Oh my goodness.

German: What is "he" doing here?

Leon: He better not go near my princess.

Cami: We should leave now or he will see us.

Fran: No, I need to know what he's doing here. He must have come here to spy on us!

Fede: Or.... Maybe he just wants to order some food and drinks.

Fran: (Stared at him)

Angie: I never knew that this bar had a front door where people can come in and out from both sides.

Fran: That's because It doesn't! Logan made an extra door in the front so that it would be easier for people to enter in and out!

Ludmi: I've gotta admit, that is pretty smart of him.

Fran: Tarantula, if you open your mouth one more time, I SWEAR I WILL-

Angie: Girls please! Enough!

German: Behave yourselves! We are in public! Please don't create a scene here!

Vilu: Oh my god.. What is he doing now?

Cami: It looks like he is going to sing.

Ludmi: This is bad...

Logan: Ladies and Gentlemen, please give a round of applause to the one and only Tomas Heredia!

(Audience applause)

Tomas: I'm going to be singing a very special song for a very special person who will always have a place in my heart even though she probably hates me.

Vilu: ..........

Everyone: (Stared at her)

Leon: I swear if he is going to sing 'Verte De Lejos'.... I'm going to...

Tomas: I'll be singing a song called 'Verte De Lejos'

Leon: (Sigh) ............

Fran: Hang in there Cowboy. You've got approximately 3 minutes to suffer this tragedy.

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