Chapter 50: CRUSHED

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Leon: NOW, Can we all come to a solution here?!

Ludmi: Well, Why don't you give us your brilliant solution to solve this entire mess Mr "know it all"?

Leon: Shut it Susana!

Ludmi: ...........

Leon: Everybody is arguing about unnecessary things! Firstly, Francesca and Diego, how did my problem with Clement become a friendship thing?

Fran: ..........

Diego: .........

Leon: Exactly! You guys made the situation even more worse. Look, whatever happened between me and Clement is over and I don't want to talk about it. I'm willing to forget this ever happened if Clement can promise me that he will accept me and Violetta being together.

Clement: .......... I don't know If I can...

Leon: What do you mean by that?!

Clement: It's just, I love Vilu too much to see her go with another man...

Leon: I thought you was with Gery?

Clement: She broke up with me because she knew I still liked Violetta.

Everyone: (Exchanged looks)

Ludmi: Here we go....

Vilu: Clement, I know you may still have feelings for me but I don't. I only love Leon. Please accept that for my sake, please. I'm begging you!

Clement: I'm sorry, I may have to address this. Listen, I love Violetta okay and I don't care if she has a boyfriend or not. I'm straight. I've seen her pain, I've felt it and I know it. All those times that I've spent with Violetta, I will never forget. Violetta is special to me and she always has been from the first time we met. I will never forget how she helped me with everything. She really has the kindest soul. Everytime I'm with her, I feel the connection which no one, not even gery can make me feel. She just lighten's up my day when it's dark. She's the star that Shine's above me. She's everything to me and I will never forget her until I die. (Went in to hug her)

Vilu: (Stunned but hugged back)

German: (Came) HANDS OFF HER!

Clement: (Didn't listen)

Gery: (Came) Clement, what is...

Everyone: (Was silence)

Vilu: Gery?! No, it's not what you think.

Gery: No, its alright. (Wipes tears from her face) I have already broken up with him. I don't know why I came here anyway. (Leaves)

Vilu: Gery, I-

Clement: Leave her. Let her be!

Vilu: How could you say that? Don't you love Gery? Don't you care about her feelings?

Clement: Yeah, but she broke up with me.

Vilu: Okay, now you are just being a jerk.

Clement: I don't care!

Vilu: Your making me hate you more Clement!

Clement:. ...........

German: (Came) Clement, I think that's enough. Leave now.

Clement: Sir, I'm not done yet. I really want to talk to your daughter.

German: And I REALLY want you to get out of my house!

Vilu: Clement, Go!

Clement: But-

German: OUT!

Fran: GUYS!

Vilu: What Fran? What?!

Diego: Where's Leon?!

Vilu: What do you mean where's Leon? He was just standing right... Wait, where is he?!

Ludmi: He left.

Vilu: And you didn't tell me?

Ludmi: I didn't want to interrupt Clement's speech.

Vilu: Ugh...

Ludmi: I even saw him crying a bit. Trust me Violetta, that guy's in a mess.

Vilu: Oh no....

Clement: He's just jealous that I said those things about you.

Ludmi: Shut it, Galan.

Clement: Excuse me? You can't call me by my last name. You are a nobody.


Ludmi: You have no idea who you are dealing with here okay Clement. I may seem nice, but if you EVER and I mean EVER lay a finger on Violetta, I will make sure that you will regret it forever. You are a NOBODY to come in here and just tell Violetta that you Love her when she clearly stated that she does not. I know Violetta better than you okay? And when I say that Violetta loves Leon, I mean it. She does. That love, will never go away. You can ask anyone here. Francesca, what do you think?

Fran: I completely agree with Ludmilla on this. Vilu loves Leon with all her heart and it's not fair that you are breaking them up just because you say that you "love" her.

Diego: I agree. Me and Ludmilla did some horrible things to Violetta to make sure that she stayed away from Leon forever but we were only causing ourselves more guilt everyday. The pain is still there and for me, I regret doing it.

Fede: I agree to. I've supported Violetta from the beginning and I know when I say this, she does love Leon and Leon does love her. Forget the past. I know Leon, he is one of my best friends and he really is a great guy. It hurts me to see that a guy like you would be so heartless and cruel towards him. He has never done anything to you.

Clement: .........

Ludmi: And you Violetta, You are too nice to everybody. You are not strong. You are weak. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to make you feel useless, I'm stating a fact. I know you are naturally kind by heart but look where it got you know. This is the same for Tomas. If you really love Leon, you would fight for him no matter what. That's what true love is. As an "EX" and an "Enemy" of his, I'm saying this by heart. The guy is really a good guy. He does not deserve this treatment Violetta.

German: Okay everyone, I think that's enough. You are making Violetta even more-

Vilu: No dad, Ludmilla is right. So is everybody. I'm too nice. It's time to take matter's into my own hands. Clement, Please LEAVE.

Clement: I-

Vilu: I SAID LEAVE! Clement, you have done injustice to Leon and me. And you know it. You heard everyone else. What has he done Clement? Furthermore, what has Gery done too? You hurt her feelings and you hurt Leon's feelings too. That's double the payback. Clement, you are not being fair and I don't care if you love me. I want you to LEAVE! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! GO!

Clement: Violetta, I'm...

Vilu: GO!!

Clement: I'm sorry... (Went out)

Yay, my birthday is in a few minutes here in my country. Yes, it's going to be midnight here. Since it's my birthday, I promise to write extra tomorrow ;) Hope y'all enjoy this chapter.☺

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