According to Viper, Chapter 4: The Ellipsis

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Astarte, moves a strand of green,

Genii of madness, transgression sacrificed.

And in Chaldea, Apsu fought Tiamat,

As Helios and Apollo.

In between the warring halves, not so different,

Drifts Astarte and humanity,

Consorts together.

When Belili heard the lament of her brother, she dropped her treasure,

She scattered the precious stones before her,

"Oh, my only brother, do not let me perish!”

She very much is ours,

For we are seated on the dirt,

I will be something different in the past.

I have met my gods, I am IN TRANSIT,

Oh how much of our lives we are IN TRANSIT

The Boat sets at nightfall and as we pass each gate


Re-animation, lake of fire, tongue of water,

I am dizzy and tested.

But I ready myself slowly,

so burn me with fire,

Try me and give me white,

Suspended animation,

Try me and liquify the air,

I am warm and comfortable,

Try me and let me slide,

Torn in agony and once more; alive.

This, this is The Ellipsis,

When all shall be revealed.

Do you understand the hawk of gold?

The prince of 28 cubits?

The moon?

I swear to you,

If you try to steal my treasure,

You will find your hands soaking,

And drowning, and coated,

And marinating, and transformed themselves,

Into blood.

Have-I no idea, of the rock caves,

Shaped like breasts,

Violently pouring forth,

I will rush into town and slaughter them all.

The fire and the bread appears too much,

He cannot part the water,

But will execute the rowing maids,

Yet this is not his boat.

Through my pain I wish I could wish you peace,

Calmness, serenity,

Understanding and connectedness,

But all I have is hot, golden sand,

then warm, brown dust,

and lastly black specs of time.

The harsh burn of acid falls on my tongue,

I walk, shakily away from the mountain.

And as my eyes slip slowly into my head,

I fall to my knees hearing the Phrygian drone,

The liquid welling up inside me is brightly colored,

Factually, completely, absolutely what it is,

What it is said to be,

What I say it to be.

Convert chaos to order,

Convert heat to equanimity,

Pay no attention at all,

Return the sun,

And ask the right question.

And I, oh I in my brilliance,

In the state of exhaustion and despair,

With the bar of darkness hanging heavy on my eyes,

And the stars pointing rigid and obscene in front,

In my infinite disconnect,

I think I know that I do not know,

I think I laugh for things I'll never comprehend.

Who you are is limited by what you think you are,

Yes, yes, I know, and I think that I am what I think I am

Not a perfect soul, I am perfecting. Not a human being, I am Man becoming.

I have ceased to perfect. Let me backslide if I can.

Name Thyself and Know-

A fools errand: I have 75 names

This is all I wish you,

collect your dizziness,

And walk back into the world.

1 hour in the heart of the city,

And you will forget,

And feel sweet bliss.

In closing the chapel door,

In the fading of the scented smoke,

In the drying of the blood,

In the downturned flesh and contracting eyes,

the vision and her music all but died away.

But according to Viper on that sunny afternoon;

"In the beat of a heart, the suck of a breath, you are the universe"

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