°o. Smaller ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

You found Bucky and took him in unbeknownst to Steve and the rest of the Avengers team or pretty much anyone. You helped him remember most of everything in the past during  the year he's been living with you. There has be more flirting between you two since Bucky is back to his somewhat 1940's normal self. But you two haven't kissed or admitted you liked each other yet even though you two know how each other feel. Though there has been flirting and sleeping in the same bed together and kisses on the cheek.

Also you are on the Avengers team.


(Y/N/N)= Your Nickname
(Y/N)= Your Name


"Hey Bucky." You call from the kitchen where you just got off the phone with Stark.

"Yes?" He questions walking out of his bedroom which used to be the guest room.

"Stark is having a party tonight and I can't get myself out of it." You say as you walk up to him and grab hold of his hands. Which is something that calms him.

"So I won't be home tonight, you gonna be okay here by yourself?" You ask concernedly since last time you went to Stark's party, Bucky had a panic attack while you were gone and the apartment was a wreck when you came home.

"Who's going to be there?" He questions while intertwining his fingers with yours.

"Well." You take a second to think, "The Avengers, old SHIELD agents, a lot of Stark's friends, business people, and whoever else he invites."

"Will... Will Steve be there?" He questions catching you off guard since the only times you guys talk about Steve is when he recalls a memory of a scrawny blonde boy.

"Oh, uh, yeah."

He furrows his brow as he thinks in silence for a minute.

"Can I come with?"

"Are you ready to meet Steve again?" You ask softly bringing a hand up to his cheek while he wraps an arm around your waist.

He nods leaning into your touch.

"I think its time..." He admits quietly. "I need to stop running away from him."


"Bucky?" You coo while knocking on his door. "You ready?"

No response.

"Bucky?" You repeat. "You ready?"


You wait a few minutes thinking he is just in the bathroom and can't hear you.

But you start to worry.

"Bucky, I'm coming in, okay." You warn before opening the door to see Bucky staring at himself in the mirror above his dresser, his mouth agape. You notice his hands fidgeting with the button of his sleek, black jacket of his suit, hair slicked back.

"Bucky." You say softly.

He snaps out of his daze and turns around to face you.

"Oh. Sorry,  (Y/N/N). I just--- Wow, you look amazing." Bucky gets distracted by your black, mid-thigh short dress with floral design on the upper half.

You blush slightly.

"You do too, Frosty." You say walking towards him.

"I haven't dressed up since I was shipped off to Europe. Steve and I had a date with these two girls at the Stark Expo." He admits as you smooth out his suit. "But even those dames couldn't compare to you." He smirks while looking down at you.

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