°o. Eight Meetings ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

You and Sebastian have been friends for a long time but no one knows how you two actually met.

Inspired by: Tyler and Josh's different stories to how they met.

Warning: Talking about male strippers and adult films... it's not as bad as you think, though; fluff towards the end but you ruin the moment

AN: I'm obsessed with TØP rn. There's a subtle timeline to this but you don't really need to figure it out, just keep in mind that you and Seb knew each other before acting.


The Start

"You and (Y/N) met on a movie set--"

"Actually, we've known each other for quite a while now." You interrupt the interviewer.

"Really?" She questions.

"Really." You nod. "Seb and I actually go way back... to our diaper days." You confess, Sebastian furrows his eyebrows and turns his head towards you.

"Really?" She seems surprised.

"Yeah." You nod again while placing a hand on your best friend's knee and looking at him. "Well, if junior high counts as that." You chuckle, obnoxiously shaking his knee. "This guy," You point your thumb at him while maintaining eye contact with the woman. "so cute and chubby as an awkward preteen." You turn your head to him and squish his cheeks together, his lips puckering out.

Sebastian just blushes and swats your hands away causing you to laugh.

"He thinks that will stop me." You smile at the interviewer and grasp his hand. "But anyways," You sit back in your chair. "we were in a few classes together but never really talked... until an unfortunate day.

"Our Health teacher, Mrs. Heart, was gone because she had a baby so we had a sub for a few weeks." You start your story. "The sub-- I can even admit this-- was hot as hell. She was like the stereotypical hot teacher that every guy had a crush on.

"And she had to give us the talk because that's what Health teachers do." You tell, using your hands to talk. "And this guy," You laugh, patting Seb's chest. "this guy had a raging boner during the whole thing."

"(Y/N)!" He scolds, his face burning red even if it is a fake story.

"It was hilarious." You die of laughter just of the thought of that actually happening to a young Seb.

"I'm sure it was." The interviewer chuckles as Seb shakes his head no.

"It was mortifying."


"How did you two meet?" Greg, the interview asks. You and Seb share a smug look.

"Well." Seb clears his throat. "(Y/N) and I went to the same college and had one of the same professors." He informs. "I had a question for an upcoming essay so I went to his office to ask him about it.

"But what I didn't expect when I opened his office door is for him to be banging one of his students on his desk." He puts on a face of disgust as you let a chuckle slip out. "And then after the fact of the whole ordeal and me saving her ass from the man's wife, we became besties." He slings an arm over your shoulder, pulling you in for a side hug.

"What can I say? I was a slut in college." You shrug causing Seb to burst out laughing.


"How did you two meet?"

"Funny story actually." You let out a breath as you readjust yourself in your seat. "I had an audition--"

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