°o. Goodbye ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Civil War Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Originally Requested by: @Son_Gorin

*Part 5 to Mini Barnes*

Captain America is surprised to find what he does at his old friend's apartment.

Warning: the writing isn't the same but IM TRYING OK

Background Info:
Look at the other parts

Note: uh



"Well..." Sam claps his hands together, the sound echoing through the parking structure. "Are you going to introduce us or..." He trails off, looking between Bucky and the group.

"Sam," Steve scolds, disappointed that he doesn't seem to understand or care what's going on.


You stand up, letting go of your precious baby much to her dismay. Taking a quick once over of everyone who is here, searching and scanning for one person.

"I'm—" You clear your throat, getting yourself together. "I'm (Y/N)." Your voice is strong, completely opposite to what you are feeling right now. Years of training never helped with your confidence. You just learned how to fake it.

"She's Kate's ma." Your eyes snap to the owner of the familiar voice. Bucky stands there, his arms crossed on the roof of the old Bug, and his wall up. You frown but try to not take it personally. He's probably been through a lot in the last few days and you don't want to push it.

Everyone just stands there, unsure what to say. Most of them are surprised at how you even found where they were but some surprised at the fact that The Winter's Soldier's family is standing there.

The feeling in the area already was tense but you could cut it by this point. The reality of everything just hits everyone. They're about to fight their friends and family. The moment is coming.

Kate is the only one who seems to not be uncomfortable. Standing there, still hanging onto your leg while messing with her stuffed bunny's ears. Shes just happy her mother is here. Innocence is bliss.

You just feel out of place. You can feel the staring and you know exactly where it's coming from. You look up and make eye contact with the blue eyes... well, they're more of a grey right now. If Bucky can't express his emotions verbally, his eyes always tell what he's feeling.

But you feel another pair of eyes on you and decide to ignore it. Steve is trying to put everything together, trying to understand how this all happened. How this changed everything. Maybe looking for him was a bad idea because now his best friend's whole family is in jeopardy. He feels guilty but some part of him is glad that hes back.

Sam pries his eyes off of the scene and turns to Steve, whispering something. His back is towards the two of you as they talk. Every so often, Sam looks over his shoulder at you. You know what they're talking about, you're not stupid.

Kate slowly pulls away from you and grabs your hand. She drags you over to her father, all the nerves come back to you. You don't know what to say to him. You feel like you've failed your family. Maybe if you hadn't left, you guys wouldn't be in this situation.

"Look, Papa." Kate gleams. "Mama's home." You fail to hide your smile at the word she just recently learned to use. With how often the three of you move about, Bucky decided to teach her that home is more than a place. It's the people there. Bucky says that its the right definition.

Bucky bites back a smile. "I see that, sweetie." He puts a hand on her head, ruffling her brown hair. He takes a glance towards the group of superheroes, making sure they're not being nosey. They all seem to be caught up in their own thoughts while Steve and Sam whisper frantically.

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