°o. Panel ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

You and Sebastian are answering questions and giving advice at a panel. The only problem is the host that was supposed to "interview" you had to leave because his wife was giving birth.

Warning: Shameless flirting, also a little short and not my best work



"Congratulations!" You and Sebastian shout to the panel host who is running down the row.

"Thank you!" He waves to the two of you and runs out the door.

"Well." Sebastian says looking around at everyone. "I think we are mature enough to continue this panel without an adult."

"Say the man who, literally, just called me a buttface not even ten minutes ago." You counter, the crowd laughs.

"But you are a buttface." He pouts, they quickly aws instead.

"What?" You gape at the audience. "You're taking his side?"

"Yeah." Some of them say, you fake offense.

"I blame your cuteness." You glare at Seb, he shrugs.

"I am pretty adorable." He jokes, but we all know it's true.

Ten Minutes Later

"We should probably start taking questions again." You say, trying to get back on track.

"Yeah." Seb agrees, looking over at the guy standing at one of the mics. "Hi."

"Hey." He waves. "I was wondering what your guys' daily routines are when you aren't filming?"

"I eat breakfast, I go for a run, I wonder about the news in the world and where do I fit into the world." Sebastian simply answers then looks at you.

"Tumblr." You answer with a shrug making the crowd laugh. "I'm not kidding, it's addicting." You seriously say.

"What's a Tumblr?" Sebastian questions.

"What?" You gasp, looking at him. "Actually, it's glad you don't know what it is." You look to the audience, most of them nod.

"Now I want to know what it is!" He whines.

"Are you sure?"


"Are you sure?" You ask again.

"Yes, I am." He nods.

"You're going to regret you said that." You chuckle, remembering what you stumbled upon in the 'Sebastian Stan' tag. "Very much."


"I was wondering if I could get some advice from you guys." The teenage boy asks.

"Of course." You say.

"Well, this is more for Sebastian." He awkwardly adds.

"Hehehehe." Seb rubs in, you hit his arm. "What's up?"

"Uh..." He clears his throat. "Since you are quite the ladies man, how do you ask a girl out?"

"I'm glad you asked." He cockily says back. "It's really simple. Make sure the girl isn't with her friends. If she rejects you, it will mortify you. When you actually approach the girl, don't act cool. Be yourself. Girl always love a guy who can be themselves.

"Make a bit of small talk. Girls also like a guy who can listen and make conversation. And when you get her laughing, ask her out." He advises. "That usual worked for me during high school."

"Thank you." The teenager says. "Seriously, thanks."


"Hi." The little girl greets causing your heart to melt on the inside.

"Hi there, sweetie, what's your question?" Sebastian smiles, your heart melts a second time.

"Why was Tony so mean to Bucky?"

"Uhh." Sebastian thinks for a few seconds on how to word this. "The reason why Tony was so mean to Bucky is because... he didn't understand. He didn't understand that Bucky didn't have control over his actions.

"Why couldn't he control his actions?" She asks.

"Because some bad guys made him." Seb answers. "These bad guys called Hydra tricked his brain to thinking what he was doing was right but it was wrong. Bucky realized that but it was a bit too late."

"Aw... thank you." The little girl says, a little sad about the story.


"What do you guys do when you get a day off when filming?"

"During Civil War, me and Sebastian had a lot of days off together, so we usually went out to see the sites." You answer.

"But if it was raining, we watched a movie back in one of our hotel rooms."


"Are you guys dating?" The little boy asks, you and Seb's cheeks immediately go red.

"What... pfft. No." You stutter then you start rambling.

"In other words." Sebastian looks to the little boy. "Yes. Yes, we are.

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