°o. Only Two Tickets ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

"I got two tickets to Hawaii that my friend gave me. First one to grab a ticket gets to come."

The prompt sentence was laying around in my Story Ideas notes/book so I decided to do it. I love the sentence prompt stuff, so maybe during the summer, I'll ask you guys to send some in. But till then, here ya go. Also, used Romanian for Sokovian (translation will be at the end of the sentence; bolded and in parenthesis).

Warning: Pietro is still alive during this imagine (#LONGLIVETHESOKO VIANSPEEDSTER)


It's been a stressful week for you Avengers.

A new wannabe Hydra organization has been coming up in the ranks in the last few months and you guys finally got a lead on their whereabouts in the beginning of the week. Luckily, you guys followed the lead and it turned out successful.

The team took down the organization in a matter of a few hours and stopped some experiments they were doing on 'volunteers' before it got out of hand.

So, overall all ten--well, eight of you (since Thor returned to Asgard for a bit and Clint is with his family) could use a vacation. But, the problem is (AN: THE FRIDGE IS TOO FAR. AND I AM TOO LAZY) everybody is too lazy to get off their asses to book a trip... and that you only have one extra ticket.

Avengers' Tower

"I got two tickets to Hawaii that my friend gave me." You announce as you walk into the Avengers' Tower living room where everyone is hanging out. "First one to grab a ticket gets to come with me." You hold up the tickets in your dominant hand as the other rests on your hip.

All the Avengers scramble to get up but are too late when a certain Sokovian Speedster zooms past leaving them all to groan.

"And that will be mine." Pietro gloats as he stops in front of you to grab the ticket but it's swiftly snatched from your fingers before he could lift a finger.

"I believe it's mine, actually." Bucky smirks as he holds up the ticket in his metal hand.

"But I--"

"But you were too slow." Bucky smiles innocently, knowing his insult will tick him off.

Pietro sends back a death glare before he stomps off, muttering Sokovian profanities under his breath.

"Uita-te la limba ta, tu asshat!" Wanda shouts going after her brother. (Watch your tongue, you asshat!)

"Sunt mai vechi pe care tu , eu pot face ceea ce vreau!" (I'm the older that you, I can do what I want!)

"Sooooo." Bucky focuses his attention back on you. "When we goin'?" He asks, looking at the ticket for a time and date.

"Midnight." You answer, he looks up at me with furrowed eyebrows. "Said I had an extra ticket, didn't say it was at a decent time." You shrug and walk off to go finish packing. "We're leaving at nine!" You call back to him.

"Yes, ma'am!" You hear him shout back.

Your Room

"Sooooooo." You hear a smooth voice smirk from the owner's place at the doorway of your room. "You're going to Hawaii... with Bucky... alone."

"Shut up, Nat." You mumble as your cheeks tinge pink.

"Never." She quips back, plopping down on your bed where the pillows are. "Are you going to make a move?"

"What?" You snap your head up at her.

"Make a move." She repeats. "I see the way you look at him... well not really look more like drool."

You shake your head while grabbing a pile of rolled up shirts (something that Steve taught you) and putting them into your suitcase.

"I'm not going to make a move on him."

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?" She whines, her head falling from her hand to the pillow she is laying on.

"Because he doesn't like me, and I don't one to risk my relationship with him if I try to flirt or make a move over some petty little crush."

"Oh my God." She stands up from the bed. "You guys don't have little petty crushes on each other, you guys are--" Natasha lets out a frustrated groan. "The two of you guys are so oblivious and stupid to see what is really going on!" She exclaims while storming out of the room.

Meanwhile in Bucky's Room

"Need help with packing?" Steve questions as he walks into Bucky's room on their floor the two super soldiers share.

"Sure." Bucky responds looking up at him. "But I don't need help from Tin-Man and Bird Brain V2."

"Good, cause we're not here to help." Sam says, crossing his arms as he stands in front of the bed.

"We're here to talk about this little situation you got yourself into with your little... girly friend." Tony agrees as he mimics Sam's actions while Steve helps Buck with packing.

"She's not my 'girly friend'." He denies, shaking his head.

"You should roll your clothes, it'll save you some room in your suitcase." Steve suggests as he starts to unfold the clothes and roll them instead.

"But what about her?" Bucky continues as he follows the suggestion.

"Bro, you should totally hit that." Tony bluntly states.


"Come on!" Sam interrupts. "The two of you steal looks from each other all the time. And all the love sick puppy moments you two shares are unbelievable. It's obvious you two like each other."

"I don't like her." Buck denies, throwing a shirt into his suitcase. "Ask Steve, he's my best friend. He would know out of all of us if I liked her."

All eyes turn to Steve.

"You don't like her." He says seriously.

"Ha!" Bucky points a celebratory finger at the men.

"You loooove her." Steve teases in a childish tone.

"Oh my god." He slaps a hand onto his face.

"Awwwwwwwwww!" Sam coos.

"(Y/N) and Bucky sittin' in a tree--" Tony starts.

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" The two grown men join.

"I would just like to point over." Bucky yells over the singing Avengers. "These are the mighty heroes that save the world from aliens and robots."


Yes, there will be a part two. Like to all my other parts, THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A PART TWO.

The Easter part two might be like... next year's Easter special... 😇


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