°o. 7th Graders ~ Bucky Barnes ft Steve Rogers .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Feat. Steve Rogers aka Captain America

(Imagine going to the Smithsonian and seeing the picture above in the Captain America exhibit video portion)

Not requested, I just wanna write it.


Your WWII veteran boyfriend, James Buchanan Barnes, and his best friend, Steven Grant Rogers, come with you to work since your 7th graders are learning about World War 2.

Sarcastic Bucky Bear. And I'm sorry to people named Annabelle in advance.


This was inspired by me and my friend helping her mom with redoing her classroom, btw.

If you like this kind of thing, I can do one for Chris Beck.

I was also thinking about doing little short imagines during the week as little fill in chapters.

Next imagine will be a request so, look forward to that.

Anyways, TO THE IMAGINE!!!



*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *BEE-crunch*

"Shit." You hear your boyfriend mumble in his deep, groggy morning voice.

"Did you smash the alarm clock again?" You question not willing to lift your head up from your comfy spot on his chest.


"Did you happen to get a glance at what time it was before you did so?"


You let out a long sigh while wiggling over to check your phone; 5:00am. You let out another sigh, but a loud annoyed one this time.

Even though you wake up at this time 5/7 days out of the week, you're still not wanting to get up.

You sit up in the bed and rub your eyes.

"Buck." You grumble turning slightly to slap his arm. "Get up. You and Steve are coming to talk to my class today."

"Can't we just... Not go?" He asks.

"No. I promised them a surprise and they're getting one."

"You know that surprise can be cookies." He points out.

"James." You say in a stern tone.

"Don't go teacher on me." He whines flipping over into his stomach, whining into the pillow.

"If I did, this teacher-student thing we have going on here isn't legal." You joke.

You hear a deep chuckle as Bucky turns over onto his back. "Then consider me a drop out." He says sitting up while you stand up. "Are you going to take a shower?" He questions as you stretch your arms.

"Yep, are you?"

"Now I am." You can hear the smirk in his voice.

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now