°o. Wine Mom ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

You are the wife of the beautiful Sebastian Stan and the mother of his three kids (two girls, one boy) and BuzzFeed has you guess star on an episode.

Inspired by: Buzzfeed's Wine Mom, Hannah Williams, because I love her.

Warning: Short, sort of bad(?)

AN: You are an actress but you don't act as much as you did before you had the kids which you are completely fine about. But you are playing Aunt May in Spiderman Homecoming and did play her in Civil War since she looks pretty young (like 30ish).

Also, lets pretend they are done filming for We Have Always Lived in the Castle and Spiderman Homecoming (Idk if they are still filming this but if they are).


"Hi, I'm Hannah, your friendly neighborhood wine mom. And if you're anything like me, you believe that a glass of wine makes you a better mom." Hannah says her typical intro to her BuzzFeed videos. "And before we get to why I'm drinking tonight, I have to introduce a special guest.

"Please welcome to the stage--" She drums imaginary drums in front of her while making the drum roll noise with her mouth. "--fellow wine mom, Mrs. (Y/N) Stan!" She claps as you walk in the camera's view and sit down on the couch right next to her. "Woooo!" She cheers.

"Hello, hello." You greet with a large smile. "I thought I was going to be under dressed but I guess I wasn't." You look down at your clothes which include a pair of Seb's gray sweats and a blue shirt then look at Hannah's clothes that are similar but instead of sweats she has pajama shorts on.

"You're never underdressed here on Wine Mom." She assures as she pours you a glass of wine. "But if you don't know who (Y/N) is, hello? Have you been living under a rock for the past few years? She's amazing."

"Thank you." You giggle slightly as she hands you a glass of dark red wine. "But they also might not be a Marvel nerd so they might not know."

"True." She nods. "Tell us about yourself then." She commands and takes a sip of her wine.

"I'm the wife of Sebastian Stan who is more well known to be playing Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier in Captain America in the MCU. I also play the new young Aunt May in Civil War and the up coming Spiderman movie." You tell the camera. "We have three children, two girls and a boy. Our girls are seven and one, the boy is three. Plus, I basically adopted Tom Holland by now."

"And why are you drinking tonight?"

"Because tonight is my daughter's first sleepover and I left my husband alone with four screaming girls along with our two baby boys." You admit.

"Really?" She exclaims, you nod with a sheepish smile. "He must be the best multitasker ever."

"Well, Sara's plan for the sleepover was watching Disney movies all night. So what I assume is going to happen is they're going to make Seb and Beck dress up as princes as little Scotty sleeps all day."


"The reason why have you here today is so I can basically ask you a bunch of questions I've been wondering." Hannah informs as she slurs on her words a bit, no from the alcohol just because that's how she talks. "If that's okay?"

"Shoot." You nod.

"How do you manage the kids when your husband is away?" She asks. "'Cause I know like depending on the movie, they film for three months at a location."

"Day starts off with getting Sara to school at eight since she's in first grade. Then I take Beck to preschool at eleven, pick him up three hours later. But during that time where those two are gone I just hang out with Scotty and do any chores that need to be done.

"After I pick up the two from school and daycare, they are tired so they aren't hyped up till four so we all play together. Sara has been recently taking a liking to dressing Beck up as a princess so I take a bunch of pictures of that. Other than that, it's basically it." You tell with a shrug. "But, it's much easier when Sebastian is home just because there is two people instead of one."

"You don't have a nanny?" She seems a bit surprised, you shake your head no.

"I don't like nannies. I feel bad because then the kids will get attached to them like the Nanny Dairies."

"Oh my God, I love Scarlette Johansson in that movie!" Hannah exclaims, getting off topic.

"Same!!! But I just have a huge girl crush on her so I love her in any movie!" You gush.

"Every woman has a girl crush on Scarlette Johansson, if you don't you are lying." Hannah points out while pointing to the camera at the last part of her sentence.


"On a recent episode, we talked about judgey parents and how if you are a younger mom, older moms seem to judge you so much more--"

"Yes!" You exclaim, hitting the pillow next you in exaggeration. "We had Sara when we were twenty-six before we were married so everyone thought she was an accident. Yeah, she wasn't planned but she wasn't an accident. We did it without protection and we knew the consequences but we were fine with them."

"But people assume that you regret having the kid but you don't, you love that little shit." Hannah finishes off for you.

"Yes." You nod and give her a high five. "Finally someone who understands my pain. All of my friends don't have kids yet and don't understand."

"I gotcha." She hits her chest twice then does a peace sign causing everyone to start laughing in the room.


"How you plan date nights with him being all busy, I know you're busy too but it seems like you are sticking to being more of a stay at home mom than an actress?" She points out, you nod" "'Cause me and my husband barely plan any and we don't have to travel for work."

"Sebby and I have a system." You inform as you wiggle around in your seat a bit, your wine glass empty by now. "If he comes home for a mini break from filming, it's spent with the kids. But if it's at least month break, the second Friday night we send the kids off to either my parents or Seb's mom's so we can have a nice night at home.

"When he gets done with filming, we take at least a week to ourselves which is happening next week, thank God!" You let out a sigh. "I love the kids and all, but when their father is gone for like three to four months at a time without a break to come home, we need a week for just the two of us to be alone."

"I'd go crazy." Hannah admits if she was in your shoes.


"I know you were in Civil War for a brief few minutes but you were filming for Spiderman Homecoming while Sebastian was filming for that one movie that I can't remember the name of..." Hannah closes her eyes while she thinks about it.

"We Have Always Lived in the Castle." You help her.

"Yeah, yeah!" She nods. "Where were the kids when that busy part of your lives happened?"

"The kids bounced around from Chris Evan's to my parent's to Seb's mom's." You inform. "They were at Chris' the longest because he loves them so much."


"One last question before we're done." Hannah announces as she sets her second empty glass on the coffee table in front of the two of you. You only had one because you still have to get home. "I've been wondering this ever since you said this early... what prince does your daughter make your husband dress up as?"

You let out a chuckle as you know the answer right away. "Prince Eric and the occasional Flynn Rider."


"Thank you guys for watching! Until next time, I've been Hannah, your neighborhood Wine Mom. And this has been the lovely (Y/N) Stan." You both wave goodbye at the camera. "And I'll talk to you later!"

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