°o. Blurb #11 .o°

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Infinity War Panel (rip)

"Hi, I was wondering what your most embarrassing moment was?" The nervous teen girl questions, standing behind the microphone with all eyes on her.

You let out a snort. "It'd be easier to tell you a non-embarrassing moment." You mumble, they audience chuckles.

"How 'bout the time you met Seb?" Chris suggests with an amused smile on his face.

"That!" You point a finger at him. "We do not talk about!"

"Aw, come on." Mackie pushes, a huge smirk on his face. "Please give us the story that started the romance!" He begs. "It's so cute!"

"Totally adorable." Chris nods.

You let out a loud scoff, shaking your head. "It was the third time that has happened to me and the first time that's happened to him, the poor guy didn't know what to do."

"No, no, it was the cutest thing ever." The bearded blonde assures. "Especially now that you two have been dating for like..." He shrugs, leaning his elbow on his thigh while looking over at you.

"Little over three years." You immediately answer, a small smile on your face. "Well..." You furrow your eyebrows in concentration, trying to date back. "we became 'official' like in August when we went out for his birthday... but before that we had dates and were kissin'... n' stuff."

"N' stuff?" Chris questions causing the crowd to 'oo' like a bunch of middle schoolers. You roll your eyes at them all. "What stuff?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oh, get your mind out of the gutter." You hit his arm.

"Stop abusing me!" He exclaims, dramatically holding his 'hurt' arm. "I'm the reason you two got together in the first place."

"And I appreciate that." You send him a smile. "But, it wasn't cute."

"It was adorable!" Chris pushes.

"Let's have the audience decide." Anthony suggests, the crowd claps and cheers in encouragement. "Okay, great, now tell the story." He demands, resting his chin on his hands like a child staring at a television.

You roll your eyes at him then scoff when you notice that Chris is doing the same thing. Both of their bottom lips pouting out.

"Fine!" You sigh. "So, as you guys probably know, me and Chris have been friends since like... ever. And Marvel has been a religion to me and my father since I could read. So when Chris told me he was going to be Captain America... I died.

"So, circa Cap 3 movie, I made Chris take me to Comic Con..."


"I love you, Chris." You mumble in awe as you walk behind the scenes of the panel. "I am forever in your debt, my good friend." He chuckles as he feels your grip on his arm tighten when Chris Hemsworth walks by. "He's so beautiful..." You whisper, watching him.

"Alright, calm down." Chris commands, pulling you along. "I'm going to introduce you to some of the cast."

"I would neve-- oh my sweet baby Jesus on a motorcycle." You gasp, seeing the back of a certain long hair brunette. "Is that...?" You look between Chris and the man.

"Yep." He nods, you let out an inhuman noise causing him to snort. "Do you want me to introduce you?"

"Please." You manage to get out. Chris can't wipe the smile off his face at your reaction. He wiggles his arm out of your grip and wraps it around your shoulders as he leads you over to the small group of two.

"Hey, Seb, Mackie." Chris greets with a bright smile on his face (as per usual). "This is my friend, (Y/N)."

You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"Excuse her." Chris rests a hand on your chest, right above your left boob (more toward your shoulder). "She's slowly dying." You nod, tears building up in your eyes. "Not literally, but this is a lot for her child self."

"Oh, hey, are you okay?" Sebastian questions, concern dripping from his voice which makes you cry even harder. You nod your head.

"It's just... I grew up with Marvel comics and the Captain America ones were my favorite. But Bucky was my favorite character so seeing you here, my dreams are coming true." You more of ramble than explain.

"Bucky was such a good guy! And then Hydra took him and made him kill all those people and-- and-- and Civil War." You blubber on. "I saw it, I sobbed and Bucky deserved so much better and I just wanted to hug him the whole time and love him and give him plums and hope and-- Can I just hug you?"

"Yea-yea-yea, sure." Seb nods, opening his arm to you. You take a step towards him and wrap your arms around his torso. You rest your cheek on his left shoulder and close your eyes as he rests his head against yours with his arms around your back.

"You're so firm and warm." You slip out causing your eyes to widen. "I'm sor--" You get cut off by his chest rumbling with laughter.

Flashback Over

"And then he took her out for coffee the next day." Mackie informs.

"A match made in heaven." Chris adds. You just roll your eyes again. "Now raise your hand if you think that was cute."

Almost everyone raises their hands.

"HA!!" Chris' posture straightens up and points a figure at you.

"Now raise your hand if you think it was embarrassing and/or cringe-y." You command, almost everyone raises their hands. "HA!" You mock Chris.

"Raise your hand if you think, either way, Sebastian Stan is lucky to have had (Y/N) (L/N) cry in his arms that day and then agree to turn into (Y/N) Stan in a few months." A familiar voice shouts from the back of the room. Everyone's heads turn their way, Mackie lets out a chuckle as he discovers it is Seb yelling.

"Either way, I win." You confess, a dopey smile adorning your lips as you look over to your fiancé.


oH. It's been two weeks... I would apologize but it's probably going to happen again. I work like every day but weekends but I have a social life (it's new).

~Zoe aka Meowlnir

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