°o. Why Her? ~ 1940's Bucky Barnes .o°

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1940's James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Requested(ish) by: Agent_Carter_Jones (They just wanted a 1940's Bucky imagine so, *shrugs*)

You're Steve's younger sister (by 12 minutes) and you have a huge crush on Bucky. But the thing you (and Steve) don't know Bucky returns the feelings... until one glorious night.

Warning: Half naked Bucky, mentions of sexual doings, grammar mistakes (didn't reread it), Skinny Stevie (not really a warning just an important detail)


You wake up with your head rested on a warm bare chest along with someone holding you against their body. The memories of last night flooding back to you as the body under you shifts.

"(Y/N)?" The familiar voice questions. "Doll, you up?"

"Yeah." You nod and look up at him.

"You remember what happened last night?" Bucky smiles, pushing a strain of hair out of your face.

"Every single detail." You smile and lean up to peck his lips. When you try to pull back from the kiss, he brings you back up and flips the two of you over so he's straddling you.

"Well, still, let us review." He smirks. "You might not remember some stuff." He leans down and captures your lips in his. At first, it starts soft but it gets more intense when you weave your hands through his hair and tug him down to deepen the kiss.

"Hey, (Y/N)." You hear the familiar voice of your brother call as your bedroom door opens. "I was wondering if--WHAT THE HELL!?" Bucky scrambles to get off you, falling off the bed in the process.

"Steve, it's not what it looks like, I swear." Bucky assures, wrapping the sheet around his waist as he stands up.

"I'm not an idiot, Buck." Steve scoffs back. "I've walked on this many of times at your apartment, but seriously, my sister?"

"Steve--" You try to bud in but he cuts you off.

"No, you don't get to speak either." He glares at you. "And you--" He points at the half naked Bucky. "--you come with me." He makes an angry 'come hither' motion with his finger.

Living Room

Once Bucky closes the door behind him, Steve punches him in the face making him stumble back a little bit.

"Woah." Bucky puts his hands up as Steve goes for another punch.

"Why'd you do it?" He questions. "Huh? Why'd you sleep with my baby sister?"

"She's only 12 minutes younger than you."

"But she's my sister." He says through clenched teeth.

Bucky sighs as he walks over to the couch and plops down onto it, holding the sheet around his waist tightly. "I know."

"No, you don't!" Steve shouts making the brunette flinch in surprise. "She's had a huge crush on you since forever and I don't want you to play with her heart! Especially since you're my best friend. It'll be awkward between all of us when you sleep with another girl too." He says a bit more calmly.

"Who says I'll sleep with another girl?" Bucky counters.

"Really?" He gives him a look. "You're known for hopping around to girl to girl to girl, nonstop since junior high." His voice starts rising.

"Yeah, I know I've had more girls than the average attractive male but (Y/N) knows that." He points out.

"What do you mean?" Steve asks, completely confused on how that fits into him sleeping with his sister.

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