°o. Cheater ~ Chris Beck .o°

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Chris Beck ~ The Martian
**Part 2 to Cheat?**

Landing back home on Earth.

After eating lunch with your mom, dad, and sister.

It's long, so no part 3.


(F/C/S)= Your favorite coffee shop.



You unlock the door to you and Brett's shared apartment. Sneaking into the apartment you only hear a quiet skin on leather squeak as you quietly set down you duffle bag next to the door. You furrow your eyebrow as you walk down the hallway into the living room.

The sight you saw will now be lasered into the back of your eyelids.

You saw your fiance with his shirt off making out with a bleach blonde (sorry if that is your hair color) slut who is straddling him without a shirt on too.

"Brett?" You manage to stifle out through the betrayal.

Brett stops eating the blonde's face and his eyes go wide.

"What the hell?" You whisper.

"(Y-Y/N)." He stutters as the girl gets off of him and he stands up. "It's not what it looks like." He pleads.

"Do you really think that'll work on me?" You say in a serious tone of voice. "You really think while I was up in fucking space, that 'it's not what it looks like' will work on me?"

"No, I'm sor-"

"If you were sorry, you would haven't even done anything! There wouldn't even have been anything to say sorry about!" Your voice rises. "This is what you did while I was up in space!? Cheat on me with some bleach blonde slut?"

"Excuse me?" The blonde stands up. "Don't you dare call me a slut." She demands.

"Oh, I'm sorry." You put your hand over your chest. "I just walked in on you swapping silva with my ex fiance and I just assumed."

"Ex fiance?" He looks at you hurt.

"Yeah, because I why wouldn't I stay with someone who cheated on me for over 4 years while I was in space." You shout at him.

"Please. (Y/N)-"

"Don't even talk to me." You raise your hand up and walk down the hallway.

"(Y/N), Baby, wait." He grabs your arm, stopping you like Chris did when he knew something was wrong. You look up at him and instead of seeing the worry and concern that you saw Chris had, you saw guilt and hurt.

"Don't baby me." You say quietly. "I've loved you for over 5 years and when I had to leave, before that, you cheated on me with some randomass tramp." The anger you felt earlier now turning into sadness.

"I thought we were stronger than this. You made me feel bad every time Chris was in the room while I was video chatting with you. You made me feel bad when I even hugged Chris because I was missing you.

"But you weren't even thinking about me, Brett." You jerk your arm out of his grip. "I'll be back for my stuff either later or in a few days."

You walk down the hallway, picking up your NASA duffle bag as you open the door.

But before you leave, you slip off the engagement ring and throw it on the table near the door.


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