°o. Jimmy Kimmel ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

Ft. Jimmy Kimmel, Chris Evans, Paul Rudd, and Anthony Mackie

Some of Team Cap is promoting "Civil War" on Jimmy Kimmel. (Your Paul Rudd's Sister) You've been in the last Cap movie as an ex-Hydra assassin that helps Steve with the helicarrier battle against Rumlow/Hydra/Winter Soldier. And your character helps Steve and Sam find Bucky.

AN: The ending little part was inspired by Frank, Phoebe's brother, in F.R.I.E.N.D.S.


"We are back with Chris Evans, should we bring out the guys... and girl?" Jimmy questions, the audience starts to cheer.

"Let's do it!" Chris exclaims, rubbing his hands on his knees.

"Alright, here they are. Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Paul Rudd, and (Y/N) Rudd!" Jimmy announces as the doors slide up, revealing the four of you all dressed up nice.

 Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Paul Rudd, and (Y/N) Rudd!" Jimmy announces as the doors slide up, revealing the four of you all dressed up nice

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The crowd cheers as you shake hands with Jimmy and sit down between Mackie and Chris on the small couch. Sebastian and Paul in chairs behind you three.

"Look at this, so much heroism here." Jimmy points out causing the audience to laugh.


"...Or was it all business or did you become a real-- Well, Paul, this is your introduction. You guys--" Jimmy gestures to Sebastian, you, and Mackie. "-- have been a couple of the Captain America movies, two and three. Was- Did they accept you as part of the team?"

"Well, they accepted me and they were all very nice. You guys were great and, I guess, it helped out that my little sister was there too." Paul answers. "But-uhh..." He adds, making a few members of the crowd laugh. "But I felt a little bit, though like--"

"Ehh." Mackie interrupts him with a warning look on his face causing Chris to laugh.

"You know," Paul continues. "they were like, it almost was like a fraternity. And I was like Flounder in Animal House. Like Steve Kurst coming in and saying 'You guys playing cards?'."

"And that's why we were going to trade him for Scarlet Johansson." Seb jokes.

"Exactly." Mackie nods. "He was on the trading block."

"You weren't able to work that one out?"


"But, not even your sister helped you out with fitting in?" Jimmy questions, you scrunch up your face and shake your head no. "Why?"

"He's 47 years old, two kids, and married." You point out. "He can make his own friends." You say, causing Chris and Seb let out a breathy laugh while your brother shakes his head at you.

"Any word on that, Paul?" Jimmy looks to him.

Paul just shrugs. "They were very nice, but, you know. It's intimidating, I mean."

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now