°o. Jellyfish Stings ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe
**Part Four To Two Tickets**

"I got two tickets to Hawaii that my friend gave me. First one to grab a ticket gets to come."

Warning: Reader being a little wuss, pretty much just fluff


"Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, Bucky, Buckkkyyyy." You cry and hold your foot which causes you to wince even more. "What was that? Why does it hurt so bad?"

"Probably just a jellyfish sting, doll." He guesses as he rubs your back. "Just calm down and look at me." He commands, grabbing your shaking hands into his. "Eyes on me." He says again while tilting your chin up with his fingers.

"I can't." You shake your head and stare back at your foot. "It hurts too much."

"Hey, hey, hey." He moves your head again to look back up at him. "Just focus on me. Don't think about your foot, just look and focus at me." This time you nod and look at him.

"It still hurts." Another round of tears come flowing down your face after a little while of staring into Bucky's eyes.

"What seems to be the problem here?" The lifeguard that saw you fall comes running over, shirtless and in his typical lifeguard get up. You raise your head up to at least acknowledge the man. The guys pretty attractive and has glistening pecks with a flashy smile plastered on his face.

"Uh..." Bucky clears his throat causing your gaze to snap towards him. "I think she maybe have gotten stung by a jellyfish on her foot."

"Lemme check it out." The lifeguard squats down in front of you and takes your stung foot into his hand.

Your breath hitches at the pain and you hold onto Bucky's hand even tighter. He plants a kiss on the top of your head while rubbing your arm.

"Yep, it's a sting." The lifeguard confirms. "I have some vinegar at the stand that I suggest you have poured onto your foot."

You nod and try to stand up but fail.

"Here, I got you." He goes to pick you up but Bucky beats him to it.

"It's fine, I got her." Bucky protectively assures, fixing his arms so the bridal style hold won't fall.

"Alright." The lifeguard smiles. "I'm (Drake/Josh), by the way."

"I'm Bucky and this--" He gestures to you clutching onto his semi-wet bare chest. "--is (Y/N)."

(Drake/Josh) nods and starts leading the way to the stand.


"I'm no doctor but I suggest you take some pain medication when you get back to where ever you are staying. You'll be able to walk in a few hours but keep off of your foot.

"Plus I have some ointment I want you to put on it. We don't want your pretty self feelin' anymore hurt than you already are." (Drake/Josh) smiles down at you in the chair.

"Yeah." You sheepishly smile and look at your feet, one of them wrapped up.

"Soo..." He starts. "How long are you going to be here with your boyfriend?"

"Oh--uh-- Buck--" You get a bit flustered and red in the face as he calls Bucky your boyfriend (no matter how much you want it to be true). "--Bucky isn't my boyfriend."

"Oh." (Drake/Josh) smiles widely. "Well, if your foot is better and if you want, we could go out for dinner tomorrow?"

"Uh..." You look out the window where Bucky is standing. He's still shirtless and his wet hair is tied back in a tiny man bun. His jawline still sharp and eyes still blue from the 1940's. Bucky notices you staring at him and sends you a small smile which you return.

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