°o. Comin' Back! ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Civil War Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

*Part 2 to Tent Talks*

You want to get away from the Avenger life and have kids.

Extra Info:
A week after the tent talk with Bucky, you moved out into your own apartment and leave the Avengers. A month or so later you also found out you were pregnant with Bucky's baby. Over the last several months, Bucky has been

Warning: Fluff

AN: Hi. Forgive me for no updating last week... but like, thanks for 700k views. I'm glad we're all Sebastian Stan trash.


Several Months Later
Your Apartment

"Buck, I don't know how much longer I can hide it." You sigh as you hold up your shirt and look at your large stomach in the mirror.

"The team hasn't mentioned anything." Bucky reminds from his spot on your new semi-shared bed.

"They just think I'm getting fat."

"No, they don't."

"Yeah, they do!" You exclaim, looking at him in the reflection of the glass. He just shakes his head. "You know what Natasha said to me the other say when I visited you guys the other day?"


"She said, and I quote 'Ever since you left the Avengers and moved out, you've been letting go of yourself'!" You scoff, shaking your head as you remember a few days ago. "Wasn't that rude?"

"Well, she's not wrong." You hear him mumble under his breath.

"James!" You scold, glaring at him.

"What?!" He rolls off the bed and walks toward you. "You're pregnant, what are you supposed to be doing? Juicing?" He scoffs, coming next to you and wrapping his arms around you, hands under your shirt so he can feel your bump.

"But she doesn't know that." You remind as he leans his head down on your shoulder.

"True." Bucky slowly rubs up and down your stomach.

You two stay like that for a while; standing in front of the mirror with Bucky slowly stroking your belly with his metal hand, knowing that you liked the cool contrast to your hot skin. The small family you've created, are creating, brings a smile to the both of your faces.

"The team has actually been missing you a lot." Bucky says in a soft tone, afraid to break the sweet moment. "That's probably why Nat said that... so she can get you back in the tower for at least an hour or so each day."

You make a 'not bad' face, you didn't really think of it that way.

"Maybe you can stay at the tower for a few days." He shyly offers. "Fulfill the team's need for you."

"Or your need." You snake your hand down and pinch his thigh.

"Hey!" He flinches back. "I have to sneak out of the tower to come over here, if you come to me it'll cut out that hassle." You send him the look in the reflection of the mirror. "Not that that hassle isn't worth it. You are carrying my child." He sends you a nervous smile, you smirk.

"I'll see what I can do."

Few Days Later
Avengers Tower

"I'm back, bitches." You waltz into the main common room with the kitchen attached to it. Everyone watches as you throw your duffle bag onto the armchair then plop your self on love seat part of the couch.

"Really?" Natasha pops up from behind the kitchen counter with a bag of some type of 'healthy' chips.

"For how long?" Wanda questions.

"A week." You state, the girls immediately squeal causing the guys to exchange looks.

"Girls night, tonight." Natasha declares, turning to her Sokovian teammate. "We need to go get junk food, chick flix, face masks, ice cream, random sweets, and alcohol."

"No alcohol." Bucky commands, not taking his eyes off the bowl of cereal he's eating for dinner.

"Why not?" Wanda pouts.

"First of all, I'm pretty sure you're underage." He states, standing up and carrying his empty dish to the sink near the girls. "Second, I don't want us guys having to haul you off to your respective bedrooms when you're too drunk to walk." He leans against the counter with his arms crossed. "And finally, (Y/N)... doesn't drink anymore."

Everybody stares at him in shock, not ever hearing him deny a party or go in the 'Captain' tone of voice like Steve does. Natasha and Wanda both scoff and roll their eyes like teenagers getting denied from their father to go to a party. They both walk out of the room, probably heading the garage to go get the stuff anyways.

"Where did that come from?" Tony questions, totally baffled. Bucky blushes slightly and scratches the back of his neck, taking a small glance at you who is smiling widely.

"I don't want our teammates to get hungover if we have a last minute mission tomorrow." He shrugs.

"No." Steve laughs, shaking his head at his best friend. "That was the voice you used on me when I was the little guy in Brooklyn." He points out, smiling at the tone of voice he hasn't heard in a while.

"You still are the little guy in Brooklyn, punk." He smirks, the blonde rolls his eyes while you get up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen to get a snack. "You just got upgraded and frozen for a few years."

"You shouldn't be talking." You chuckle, grabbing the bag of chips Nat left and sitting on the counter with them. "Tinman." You flick his metal arm, he pinches the outside of your thigh in return. You hit his hand away causing him to stick his tongue out at you like a child.

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