°o. Christmas Special .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land of Romania

Christmas Special of the one and only Sebastian Stan!

Sebastian is at filming during Christmas. Its sad but you have your six year old son (not Seb's kid) to keep you company.

Also just for the sake of this scenario, they were still filming for Cap 3.


Italicize means its a dream.


"(Y/N)." He mumbled as the two of you laid down in the grass during a warm summer's day.

"Mhmm?" You hummed moving your head to look at him.

Sebastian turns on his side and perches up on his elbow.

"You know I love you, right?" He questions as you follow his actions, looking at him.

"Yes and I love you too." You respond.

"Well." He pulls something out of his pocket. "I know this isn't what you imagined it to be but..." He reveals a box covered in black velvet fabric. You cover your mouth as tears threaten to spill. "We've been dating for almost 3 years and I love you so much... Will you do the honors of being my---"


"MAMA!! MAMA!!" Your six year old, Beck, jumps on your bed, waking you up.

"Whaaaatt??" You whine into your pillow.

"It's Christmasssss!!!" He jumps one last time before plopping down beside you where Seb would usually lay.

But he's not...



"Is it now?" You flip onto your back.

"Yes it is!" Beck smiles.

"Its also 8am... How exciting." You say monotonely (not a word but idgaf).

"It is!!!" He jumps off the bed. "Now lets go open presents!!" He tries to pull you off the bed but fails.

"You go gather your presents and sit down while I get the camera." You command. "Seb wanted to me record you opening them."

"Where is Sebby?" He questions as you slip out if bed.

"He couldn't make it home because of work." You state and ruffle Beck's hair. "He'll be home in a couple weeks, I promise."

Beck sighs at the disappointment of Sebastian not being able to be here on Christmas.

Sebastian has been a father figure to Beck ever since he met him.

Beck's actual father was never around because when he heard you were pregnant he ran out. So when Sebastian heard about that he helped you through the pregnancy and stuff.

Then when Beck was 3, he asked you out then 2 years later he moved in. So it was inevitable that Beck would look up to Seb.

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now