°o. Embassy ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Civil War Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Originally Requested by: @Son_Gorin

*Part 3 to Mini Barnes*

Captain America is surprised to find what he does at his old friend's apartment.

Warning: A bit short

(Y/E/C)= Your eye color


Sam and Steve are surprised to see how calm and unfazed Kate seems to be right now. With her father locked up in a containment cell, her being unaware of her mother's whereabouts, and now she's caught in the middle of six armed soldiers, two (semi) Avengers, and a government official, a normal child is bound to break any second.

But not Kate. She is walking with her posture straight and her face emotionless. However, on the inside, the six-year-old is terrified for her life. She has a basic grasp on what is going on but doesn't know the full story. All she knows is her daddy got taken away and is going to be getting a 'psychological evaluation and extradition' as the short guy stated.

"You'll be provided with an office instead of a cell." Everett Ross informs as he leads the group of men (and child) down the hallway. "Now do me a favor, stay in it?"

"I don't intend on going anywhere." T'Challa states, walking beside him.

"And for the kid--"

"You're not taking the kid anywhere." Sam cuts him off. "She stays with us."

"You're one to make demands." Ross scoffs.

"She's just a kid." Sam defends. "She probably doesn't even know anything about her father's past... Hell, she probably doesn't even know what's happening right now."

Secretary Ross takes a few seconds before nodding his head. "Fine." He states. "But if she says anything out of line or gets in the way once, only once, she's out of here, understand?"

"Yes, sir." Kate and Sam say at the same time.

Few Moments Later

Kate's facade slowly falls as the doors slide open, walking into a room with a load of camera monitors and tech covering the walls. It fades completely when she sees the Tony Stark walk out of the mini glass office located in the center of the room. Her anxiety finally comes to the surface and, out of habit, she grasps the closest person to her.

Sam looks down when he feels something tugging at his sleeve. He sees Kate with a scared look on her face, totally different from the look on her face from earlier, and his heart breaks a little bit.

He then gently shakes out of her grip and reaches behind her to her backpack, pulling the stuffed bunny she was holding when he found her out. Kate gladly accepts the plush toy and clutches it to her small body.

"Secretary Ross wants you both prosecuted." Stark informs the two men. The familiar word causes Kate's attention to snap up to his. "Had to give him something." He says and starts to walk away, following a redhead in all black.

"I'm not getting that shield back, am I?" Steve more of states than asks, already knowing the answer.

Natasha turns around saying, "Technically, it's the government's property." She looks forward to see where she's walking then back at the three. "Wings, too." She adds.

"That's cold." Sam shakes his head.

"Warmer than jail." Stark points out. "Also," He stops, looking at them. "when did Barnes have time to have a kid?"

Sam goes to respond with a smart ass remark but Kate beats him to it.

"When do you have time to do anything other than build robots that want to destroy the world?" She shouts back, remembering the newscast on the tv at the cafe her and her family were at a year or so back. Tony's eyebrows shoot up in surprise and he turns back around, totally not expecting the comment. He does a quick jog to catch up with his teammate before going out of sight.

"I'm not gonna lie, that was a good one, kid." Sam lets out a chuckle. "High five." He goes to show his hand but Steve slaps it down. "Dude." He gives his friend a bitch face.

Steve just shakes his head and nods towards Secretary Ross who has his eyes on them. The two heroes let out a sigh as he walks over to them.

"Well, that didn't last long." Ross comments, fixing the button on his blazer. "Come on, kid." He waves her to come with him.

Kate just lets out a long breath as she drops her hands to her side. Her eyes narrow at the older man before following his directions. Secretary Ross takes a few seconds to let the girl walk in front of him so he can let out an annoyed, deep breath.

"This is going to be a long day." He mumbles, following after the little girl dragging her stuffed animal through an American Embassy.

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