°o. Drunken Hums ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes - Marvel Cinematic Universe
**Part 3 to Drunken Confessions**

You're in an abusive relationship with a guy but you keep it a secret because you think it's you're fault. Until one night you are at the tower after one of Tony's parties where Thor let you drink some of the less strong Asgardian alcohol, but for you it is still strong.

Warning: Mentioning of abuse. Swearing.



Bucky's Room

"Mhmm." You hum in delight as you curl up into a ball on Bucky's bed. "It's so soft and comfy and warm and soft."

"I know." Bucky lets out a little chuckle at your childness. "Are you going to sleep in that dress?"

"Yes." You mumble into your arm.

"You sure?" He coos, walking down to the foot of his bed. "Won't it be uncomfortable?"

"Yeah." You uncurl from your ball and sprawl out on the bed. "But I don't have any other clothes here."

"You can borrow some of my clothes, if you would like." He offers as he slides your flats off of your feet. "They might be a bit big, but they'll be comfortable." He shrugs while looking up at you.

"Mhmmm, yes please." You nod while imagining the warm oversized fabric on your skin instead of a short dress and clingy stockings.

Bucky walks over to his drawers and pulls out one of his blue sweaters along with a pair of grey sweats.

"Do you want me to go see if Natasha or Wanda has those makeup wipe things to clean your makeup off?" He asks as he throws you the clothes which you fail to catch.

You shake your head. "Just get me a wet towel please."

He nods and walks to the bathroom to grab the towel and to give you some privacy with changing.

You take off your dress easily but you struggle a bit with the stockings.

Once you have that off, you put on the sweats with ease but utterly fail with the shirt.

"Hey, (Y/N). Do you want soap on the--" Bucky walks out of the bathroom to see you with your head through the inside out sweater and one arm in it's hole. "Need help?"

You pout your bottom lip out and nod.

He laughs lightly as he makes his way over to you, dropping the wet towel on his dresser.

"Well first you need to make it not inside out." He commands pulling the sweater off you and flipping it to right side out. "Here." He puts it back so your head is in the right hole, helping you with the rest.

"Thank you." You say in a sing-song voice once the sweater is on fully and plop down on the bed.

"No problem." He says as he pulls some pajamas for himself out of the dresser. "Here's the towel to clean your makeup off." He turns back and throws you the wet towel in which you fail, again, at catching.

As you clean your makeup off your face, Bucky gets dressed in the bathroom and comes back out in a short sleeve grey shirt and black and red flannel pajama bottoms, his long hair messy from changing.

"Damn." You gape at him as he runs his hand through his hair. "I'm jealous of those pajamas." Your still drunk, but not so much drunk as early, mind comments making Bucky roll his eyes as he walks towards the bed.

"You still have your false eyelashes on." He warns as he lays down next to you while leaning on one elbow.

"Girl." You snap your head towards him along with snapping your finger. "These are real." You gesture to your eyes.

"Then why are they hanging off your face?" He counters, pulling off the hanging eyelash strand.

"Oh no!" Your eye widen at the evidence. "My eyelashes have been a lie my whole life!"

"More like whole night." He corrects slowly taking off the other one, setting them both down on his dresser along with the wet towel.

"The whole horrible night." You mumble. "Wish it never happened." You lay, back faced towards him as he turns off the only light source in the room; his bedside lamp.

"Hey." Bucky puts a hand on your shoulder. "It wasn't a horrible night. If this night never happened, you'd be home getting beaten by (Jace/Chase)... For who knows how long you'd be getting hurt by that sorry excuse of a man."

"But." You turn around to face him. "But who knows what he's going to do now?"

"He's not going to do anything to you anymore, (Y/N)."

"How do you know that?"

"Because we'll make sure he won't." He answers in a duh tone. "We'll make sure he won't step foot near you. We'll make sure you heal, mentally and physically from this. We'll protect you... I'll protect you." He promises.

"Where am I going to live?"

"You're an Avenger so the Avenger's tower obviously."

"But what about the cat?" Your mind wonders. "I don't want the cat to have to go to the shelter."

"He'll move in with you. No one's allergic to cats here." He jokes a bit making you laugh slightly.

"Thanks Bucky." You say. "I needed that."

"No problem, doll." He kisses your forehead. "Now let's sleep cause that hangover is going to be a bitch in the morning." He pulls the covers out from under the two of you.

"Mhm." You hum in agreement as the covers cover the both of you.

"You hum a lot when you're drunk." He points out rolling on his side to face the nightstand.

"Mhmm." You repeat as you wrap your arms around him, cuddling up against his back.

You feel Bucky tense under the intimate gesture but then soon relax as he turns to return the embrace.

"Mhmm." You hum again into his chest. "You smell good."

"You do too." He traces patterns on your back.

"I'm wearing your clothes."

"But you still smell like your perfume."

"And what does that smell like?"

"Amazingness." He states. "And a little bit of vanilla."

"Well, thank you." You giggle into his chest.

"No problem."

Silence fills the dark room.

"You know I will never let (Jace/Chase) lay a hand on you ever again as long as I live, right?" Bucky speaks up.

"Yes." You nod. "You know that me saying I still loved you wasn't just the alcohol talking, right?" You add.

He hesitates for a moment.

"You know that I love you too, right?"

"I do now." You whisper and lay a light kiss on his clothed chest, he returns it with a kiss on your head.

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