°o. Drunken Confessions ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes - Marvel Cinematic Universe
**Part 1**

You're in an abusive relationship with a guy but you keep it a secret because you think it's you're fault. Until one night you are at the tower after one of Tony's parties where Thor let you drink some of the less strong Asgardian alcohol, but for you it is still strong.

Warning: Abuse. Swearing.


"Worthless!" (Jace/Chase) shouts at you making you flinch between him and the wall. "You're a worthless whore!" He smacks you across the face, hard enough to sting but soft enough to not leave a bruise.

"Please. Stop." You pled trying to wiggle out of his tight grasp on your shoulder. "You're hurting me."

"That's the fucking point, dumbass." He clenches his teeth and slams you against the wall, making you fall down it.

"Stop (J-Jase/Ch-Chase)." You whisper, tears streaming down your face. You curl your legs up to your chest as he starts to kick you. "STOP!" You yell and grab his leg making him fall.

"You little bitch!" He groans as he stands up again.

"I'm sorry-I'm sorry-I'm sorry." You repeat as he pulls you up by the collar of your shirt, throwing you onto the couch.

"You better fucking be!" He growls and slaps you hard across the face. "I'm going to the bar." He walks out the door leaving you there to cry... like always.

Few Hours Later

*Ring* *ring* *ring* The phone rings making you sit up from your spot on the couch to go answer it.

"Hello." You answer the house phone, your voice a bit dry from cry all afternoon.

"(Y/N/N)!!!" Tony's excited voice comes over the line. "How ya doin'?"

"I'm... fine." You lie. "What do you need, Stark?" You sass a bit trying to come off as your 'fine' normal self.

"I'm having a party in an hour and Thor brought some of his more weak Asgardian alcohol over." He explains.


"Soooo, you need to come over looking hot and spicy." He commands. "In a half and hour..."

"And why do I have to come?" You question.

"Because Bucky will only come if you do and Steve won't leave him alone." He explains making you smile a bit. "Plus I wanna see you white girl wasted."

"Did you just say white girl wasted?" You chuckle.

"Yes, I did." He confirms. "So, wear somethin' pretty."

"K." I sigh while facepalming. "I'll be there in thirty."

"You can bring (Jace/Chase) if you want." He offers, stopping you from hanging up. "We still haven't met the guy."

"Uhh..." You gulp. "He's out with friends so."

"Ok... cya when you come though."

"Yeah... bye."


You look at yourself in the mirror. The dress you're wearing shows the bruises on your shoulders and arms from the numerous beatings that your boyfriend, (Jace/Chase), has given you in the past three months you've been living together.

You sigh and go change into a long sleeve red dress with your (Y/H/C) down over your shoulder. (AN: Like picture below)

 (AN: Like picture below)

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