°o. Hiding ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes

You and Bucky are both Avengers that live in the Avengers Tower. You guys have been secretly dating for at least a year. The two of you have been keeping it on the down low but recently it's been harder since the two of you want to take it to the next level.

Warning: Implied sexual doings and sexual innuendos


Morning After A Party
Your Room

The feeling of cool metal tracing patterns on your bare back wakes up you. The memories from last night flood back to you with a smile.

"Whatcha smilin' at, doll?" Bucky's deep, raspy, morning voice questions. You open your eyes to meet his blue ones.

"Last night." You let out a deep breath while turning on your side to face him better. "How amazing it was."

"Oh, I completely understand." He wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you towards him till you're flesh against his bare chest.

The two of you bask in each other's presences while you lay with your head on his chest, him softly running his fingers through your hair.

"As much as I want to stay here forever," You put your chin on his chest to look up at him. "I have to train with Natasha in an hour. I wanted to take a shower before hand too." You start to back away from him.

"No, no, no, no, no." Bucky pulls you back to him. "Stay here. Natasha drank a lot last night, she's probably hungover."

"Natasha will still train if she has a hangover."

"Not if all her drinks last night were spiked with Asgardian alcohol." He smirks.

"You didn't!" You gasp, lightly slapping his chest. "But please tell me you did."

"I did." He smiles, you lean in to peck his lips.

"Wait." You stop right as your lips are about to touch. "How'd you know you were going to end up here in the morning?"

"Maybe because we've been dating for at least a year and the last few months of parties," Bucky explains. "I've been waking up here even if we didn't have sex."


"Hey (Y/N)!" Natasha enthusiastically flings open the door to see you sitting on the edge of your bed with the covers wrapped around your body.

"What?" Your head snaps over to her with a light blush coating your cheeks.

She raises an eyebrow at your attire if you can call it that. "Well, I was going to apologize for being late to train but I think you'll be forgiving." She smirks. "Where's the guy?"

"He just left." You quickly lie. "Why are you late?"

"I had a pounding headache from how much I drank last night." She sighs. "Bruce gave me some pills he usually gives Tony when Thor leaves his Asgardian alcohol behind. So, I'm doing much better now. Do you still wanna train?"

"Uhhh..." You scratch the back of your neck while glancing at the closed bathroom door where Bucky currently is. "I think I'm going to pass on training today."

"He's still here isn't he?"

"No." You answer a little too quickly which causing Natasha's smile to widen even more.

"I'll leave you be." She lets you off the hook and walks out, closing the door behind her.

After a while of sitting there with your face in your hands, Bucky grabs your attention.

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