°o. Anything ~ Chris Beck .o°

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Chris Beck ~ The Martian

You and Beck have huge crushes on each other but you can't act upon it because of the rules. But that doesn't stop him.

A bit shorter than the usual.


(M/N)= Your mom's Name


"I just don't know what to do, Watney." Beck sighs running his hands over his face. "I think I'm in love with her." He sighs.

Watney just chuckles while shaking his head. "I knew that before you realized."


"It's pretty obvious." He points his fork from his eggs at him. "It's also pretty obvious she's in love with you too."

"You're just saying that." Beck leans his head in his hands, watching Watney look in the fridge for a juice or something.

"No, I am not." He says into the fridge. "She loves you. You know how I know?" Mark turns around with a smirk on his face.

"How?" He sits up in his chair.

"Because she also comes to me when she needs to confess her love for you."

"She does?" Beck smiles widely. "Wait, why does she go to you?"

"Because she can't go to Lewis, 'cause you know. She isn't that close with Vogel and Martinez. And Beth resents her."

"Why does Beth resent her?" He furrows his eyebrows wondering how in the name of Teddy Sanders can someone hate (Y/N).

Mark just scoffs and shakes his head. "You and (Y/N) spend, like, every second together when you are not working on your NASA assignments."

"But why does she hate her?"

"Because Beth likes you too, you asshat."

"Well..." He shrugs. "Not like anything would happen between us, I love (Y/N)."

"I know, but not like anything can happen between any of you because of the rules." Mark points out.

"I know..." He hangs his head. "But I want to risk breaking the rules for her." He admits. "I would risk anything for her."

Mark smiles a bit as he looks at his fellow astronaut friend.

"You really love her, don't you?"

"More than anything." He smiles too.

An idea pops up in Mark's head.

"Willing to risk anything?" Mark turns his head to look at him.

"Anything." He nods.

Rec Room

You're just sitting on the couch with the rest of the crew (besides Beck and Watney) because NASA gave you and the crew a free day.

You're reading a book while Beth is watching a movie on her laptop on the couch, Lewis is listening to music on her iPod, one earbud in, on the couch also, and Vogel and Martinez are playing cards on the coffee table.

"Helloooo." Watney greets as he and Beck walk in.

You nod a hello to him slightly as you read.

Beck makes his way over to the couch and falls on it next to you.

"Hey Becky." You greet with your focus still stuck on the book.

"I love you." Beck announces making everyone's snap his way but yours.

"What did you just say?" Beth stares at him.

"I love (Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N)." He repeats. "I love everything about her. Her dorkiness and all."

The whole crew is speechless, especially you.

"Beck, you know the rules." Lewis scolds slightly.

"I don't care about the rules, Lewis!" He sits up. "I love her."

"Beck, you know I'-"

"Not disrespect to you Commander, but I don't get how I can't say that I love her?!" He cuts her off.

"Because of the rules!" She repeats making Beck sigh. "If something goes wrong, you're going to try and save her first, it'll ruin the team because you two are going to want to spend alone time together!"

"But we already spend all of our free time together, us being together won't change anything!" He defends. "We would just... be together. That's all I want. I would be treating the crew the same exact way that I have been now! Its not like I'm confessing that I am still on Mars-"

"Hey." Watney buds in but Beck brushes him off.

"Please, Lewis. You know how it feels to love someone so much that you would give up anything, absolutely anything, for them." He begs.

Lewis sighs putting her hand up her temples and rubbing them.

"How do you know if (Y/N) wants to be with you?" Beth breaks the silence.

Everyone looks at you while you look at Watney.

"Well?" Beth pushes, kind of hoping you will say no.

"I..." You set your book down (yes you've been holding it this whole time). "I..."

"I'll talk to NASA about it." Lewis says standing up. "But for now, if you want... I'll allow it." She sighs, walking out of the room.

Beth groans loudly and storms out.

"We'll leave you guys alone." Vogel stands up along with Martinez and Watney, walking out.

"I love you too." You admit once the two of you are alone. "You have no idea. I can't believe you just did that, though." You stand up next to him.

"Like I said, I would give up anything for you." He grabs your hands in his. "Anything."

"I would give up anything for you too, Chris." You peck his lips, him following them as you try to pull back. "Chris." You mumble against his lips.

"Hmm?" He hums against your lips making you giggle a bit from the vibration.

"Let's go watch Civil War." You pat his chest.

"Your mom's name is Sarah." He quotes following you to the bunks.

"My mom's name is (M/N)."

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