°o. Coffee Spills To Midnight Chills ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

Requested by: Scarly223, sorry it took so long also tweeked the request slightly.

Cringe title.

Your friend/roommate drags you along to a club but ditches you for her other friends.

Italics means inner monolog/what you are saying in your head.

Warning: Never been to Starbucks so... Idfk how they work, so I just guessed. All I know is that they get the names wrong all the time. Sexually transmitted disease joke, if that even needs to be warned. Long 'cause I tend to overdue myself in some things. Childish Seb and Chris in the extended ending.


(Y/F/S)= Your favorite soda


New York Starbucks

"Hi, how can I help you?" The perky teenager asks.

"Yeah, can I get a..." You raise your hand to read the order on it from your friend. "... an Iced, Half Caff, Ristretto, Venti, 4-Pimp? ..." You try to read through the smudge. "No! 4-PUMP, Sugar-Free, Cinnamon, Dolce Soy Skinny Latte... please?"

"Anything else?" She questions politely.

"Uh..." You look up at the menu. "A Coffee Frappuccino." You order the first thing that doesn't sound complicated for the sake of the employees.

"Will that be all?"

"Yeah." You nod.

"Alright." She taps the screen on the cash register. "That will be $12.76." She smiles.

Jesus Christ, for two coffees?

"Here." You hand her your credit card, she swipes it and gives it back. "Your order will be ready once we call your name."

"Thank you." You smile and walk to go take a seat.

Wait, did I even give her my name? You realize once you sit down. Probably got it off the credit card. You shrug to yourself.


How did they get Fred out of (Y/N)? I mean, it's obviously my order since the chick gave it to me and it's the right drinks but seriously, how the fu--

Your internal monolog gets interrupted by a hard body crashing into your's.

"Shit, sorry." You and the body's voice say at the same time as you both look down at your newly coffee frappuccino and iced coffee stained shirt.

"No, it's my fault." The person says in a deep voice. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"I wasn't really paying attention either." You admit. "Kind of caught up in my thoughts."

"Me too." He sighs. "It's one of those days, huh?"

"Yeah." You sigh too as you finally look up at the guy that looks kind of familiar.

Jesus fucking Christ, this man has the body of a Greek God and the face of an angel. Your eyes widening at how attractive he is but you quickly try to brush it off.

"Jesus Christ, you're really hot." You breathe, checking out his sharp jaw line and beautiful blue-gray eyes, failing to brush it off.

"Sorry?" He questions, not hearing you.

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now