°o. Phone Calls ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

*Part 3 to Married For A Week**

BuzzFeed asks you and Sebastian if you two want to be in their Married For A Week series and the two of you accept.

Warning: Mentions of sexual activities, short

AN: I don't know if Anthony Mackie lives near Sebastian, but just for the sake of this imagine let's say he does. Also, I know Mackie has a son, don't know how old or what his name is, but let's pretend he's around 7ish and his name is Zack.


Living Room
After The Doings

"Wait." You speak up with the blanket around the two of you and your head rested on Sebastian's bare chest. "Did we just Netflix and Chill?"

"Fuck." He realizes.

Day 5

"Morning, dragoste." Sebastian greets as he wraps his arms around your waist from behind, the hem of his shirt that you're wearing going up a bit.

"Morning." You smile back as you fail to flip the egg when he kisses your neck.

"You're cooking?" He questions.

"Trying." You mumble, looking at the blacken egg on the pan.

"You don't need to do that." He says, reaching in front of you to turn off the stove and removing the pan from the stone and onto the counter nearby. You turn around and pout at him. "I'm sorry, but eggs aren't supposed to look like dirt."

"Meanie." You mumble. "Dirt is more edible than those eggs."

"Let's go out for our first breakfast together." Seb suggests, pulling you away from the stone and picking up to set you down on the counter top.

"We've had lots of breakfasts together, what do you mean?"

"Our first breakfast together as a couple." He leans in to kiss you.

"Fuck." You swear, mid-kiss.

"Am I such a good kisser?" He smirks into the kiss, following your lips when you go to pull back.

"Seb." You push him off of you, now it's his turn to pout.


"We need to call Ned." You say, his eyebrows knit in confusion. "The point of the whole married for a week thing is two single people living together for a week."


"We're not single anymore." You point out, he smiles.

"No, we are not." He leans back in to connect your lips together again but you slide off the counter and off to go grab your phone.

"Where are you going?" Sebastian follows after you like a lost puppy.

"To call Ned."


"Hey, Ned!" You greet him once he answers the phone.

"Oh hey, (Y/N)." He greets back. "What's up?"

"What happens if you end up sleeping with someone?" You just blatantly ask.

"Well," He pauses while he thinks for a second. "since you're married you have to tell Sebastian that you slept with someone else and work it out as if you were married." He advises.

"But..." You hesitate and look at Sebastian who is answering a phone call causing him to leave the room for privacy. "it wasn't someone else."

"What?" You can hear him choking on his water.

"Me and Sebastian slept together and are kind of-- sort of dating now." You admit.

"Okay..." Ned says after a long silence. "Well... just continue to video the rest of the week and we won't mention this conversation."

"Alright." You nod even though he can't see it. "Thanks, Ned."

"Don't worry, (Y/N)." He hangs up and you plop down on the bed, Sebastian entering the room soon after.

"What'd Ned say?" He questions, throwing his phone onto his bed while you sit up to talk to him.

"Just continue the two days." You answer. "Who called you?" You question, patting the seat next to you.

"Mackie." He says while sitting down. "He wanted to know if we could watch Jake tonight into tomorrow. Him and Sheletta want a night to themselves, they haven't had one since we've gotten done with filming."

"What'd you say?"

"Since we are married, I said I would ask you." He says, still kind of loving the pretending to be married for the next couple days. "So?"

"Let's do it, I love Mini Mack." You agree. "When do we start?"

"Anthony will drop Zack off at noon."

"What time is it?"

"Eleven." He answers. "Why you ask?"

"So I can take a shower." You peck his cheek as you stand up, going to your bag and grabbing some clothes

"But I was going to take a shower." He pout, then smirks. "Can I join you?"

"Nope." You pop the 'p' and close the bathroom door.

"Then I want my shirt back." He calls through the door.




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