°o. Tent Talks ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Civil War Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

*Takes place a few years after Civil War where everyone is all friends and Thanos is NON-EXISTANT* Tony took the team out camping for the weekend and you have a little heart to heart conversation with the former Winter Soldier.

Warning: Fluff

AN: This used to be like 1000 words but I didn't like how it flowed so here is just the main part I wanted to write.



"Hey, Buck." You whisper, turning on your side toward him.

"Hey, (Y/N)." He responds, his voice a bit raspy.

"Have you ever thought of leaving this life?" You question."

"Well," Bucky turns on his side and his hands under his pillow. "I tried the villian life for a few years... didn't really like it."

"That's not what I meant." You chuckle and push on his chest. He just smiles and grabs your hand, holding it there. "I mean like... leaving the Avengers." You clarify. "Having a normal life."

"Do you?" He turns the question around.

"Yeah." You admit with a nod. "All the time."


"Yeah." You blush slightly. "I've always loved kids and always wanted them."

"What's been stopping you then?" He asks, rubbing his flesh thumb across your knuckles. "If you don't mind me asking." He quickly adds in case he triggered something.

"Honestly, I don't know." You let ironic laugh. "I mean, I've looked maybe going through a sperm donor or adopting but something always got in the way."

"Like?" He presses.

"Missions, wars, people getting hurt, and the whole team split." You shrug. "There hasn't been a right time to."

"What about now?" Bucky suggests with an encouraging smile on his face. "There's not a lot going on right now and if this is what you really want, do it."

"I don't know, Buck." You breathe, turning on your back. "What would the team say? I mean how would I even go about tell the team about this? The only people who would really understand would be Clint and Scott since they already have families."

"The team are your friends before they are your teammates." Bucky informs, you chuckle a bit at his wording.

"I get what you mean." You nod. "But..." You sigh, your mind wandering. "I don't know."

"Come on, doll." He props himself up on his elbow. "If you want to do this, do it. The only thing that seems to be stopping you is yourself." He points out. "If you let yourself do that, you won't be able to do anything... take it from me."

"Yeah, but also is that a lot of the sperm donors in New York that I went through have criminal records or just don't feel right." You let out a loud sigh, feeling his hand comfortingly squeeze yours. "And I'd want to have a couple children of my own then when I get a bit older and have a husband, adopt."

You both go silent as you both get consumed with your own thoughts. You're thinking about just thinking about the few possible donors that you could choose and how you're going to tell the team while Bucky mauls over something in his head.

"Well," Bucky looks down at you, you return your focus to him. "I know my record isn't that clean but I'd be happy to... conceive a child you, (Y/N)." He nervously offers, letting out an awkward laugh.

"Buck, you don't--"

"I want to." He cuts you off. "I'm the oldest of four kids, I basically grew up with babies." He assures. "Plus, if I ever were to have kids I wouldn't imagine it with anyone else... You'd be a great mom."

"Buck." You choke out, emotions overcoming you and tears threatening to spill. "You would do that for me?"

"Oh, don't be so selfish." He tries to lighten the mood. "If I'm impregnating you, I expect to be parenting this child with you too." He lets out a small chuckle. "I'm doing this for the both of us." He quietly admits, bringing his hand up and wiping your tears away with his thumb.

"What do you mean both of us?" You question.

"Well," He lets out a long breath, wrapping an arm around your waist and bringing you a bit closer. "I've been thinking about the future a lot lately and I always imagine myself with kids. The problem I realized is that who would want to have kids with me?"

"I bet a lot of girls would."

He lets a chuckle. "The last few girlfriend I've had were set up by Nat and when I assumed they knew of the Winter Soldier part of my life, they didn't... it's not really a first date kind of ice breaker telling them that for almost seventy years of your long life you were frozen and sent to murder people." He sends you a tight-lipped smile.

"So recently, I've come to the conclusion that those kids would be my nieces and nephews of Steve and Sam and all the team... but I can't get the image of little James' running around out of my head."

"So, you're taking this as a sign of something more?" You conclude, he nods.

"Plus, little hybrids of us would be pretty cute." A crooked smile appears on his face as he look down at you. "Your beautiful eyes and hair."

You let out a laugh. "You mean your beautiful eyes and hair." You correct. "And don't get me started on your cheekbones, jawline, nose, and lips." You swipe your thumb across his sharp, scruffy jaw. "Our kids would be heart breakers with those looks." You go to boop his nose but he catches your hand and holds it to his chest, much like earlier.

"Our kids." He repeats with a goofy smile and lovey eyes on his face.

"Our kids." You mirror his smile.

Extended Ending

"God, did you guys hear the couple in the campsite next to us last night?" Sam complains as he plops down on the picnic table bench next to Natasha.

"Yeah." Tony nods while he scrambles some eggs in a pan on the grill. "They were going at it."

You try to hide the blush flushing across your cheeks but when Bucky's eye catches yours and sends you a wink, you can't hide it at all. You just smile and hang your head, avoid everyone's gaze.

"It sounded like they were enjoying themselves a lot though." Bucky pipes up, you snap your head to him and send him a death glare.

"Yeah." Sam shortly agrees. "I don't know what the guy was doing but he was doing it right."

"I guess he was." The brunette soldier smirks, sending a newly familiar look your way.

"It sounded like he was just trying to get the job done to me." You quip, Bucky's eyebrows shoot up. "Right, girls?" You smirk and turn to the other two women on the team.

They both just nod, not really paying attention to the conversation but to trying to unpitch their tent without breaking it.

"Next time I think he should try a bit harder." You turn back to the boys. Bucky lets out a loud scoff as he slides your shared tent sticks into it's bag.

"Oh, sweetheart, that wasn't even the best he's got." He shakes his head, Sam's eyes widen once he puts two and two together.

"Wait, did--" You cut him off by flinging a fork full of fluffy eggs at him.

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