AN: TJ & Shiz

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How are you?

Sorry I'm listening to that song while writing this so I couldn't resist. But seriously, how are you? If you've been on break, hows it been? Hows your holidays so far? Hows the family?

Anyways, the reason for this Author's Note is 3 main things and 4 little things (first 3 are the main, the rest is the little things) —

#1. What imagine scenes for TJ should I do?

I love TJ but I don't know what I should for him, imagine wise.

#2. Who should I do for the last minute Christmas special?

•Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes
•Storybrooke Jefferson
•Chris Beck
•Sebastian Stan

The idea I have for the Christmas Special could only really work for those 4 characters/people.

#3. Who should I do for the New Years Special?

It can be for any of the characters except for Wonderland and Enchanted Forest Jefferson since I wouldn't think they would celebrate New Years and if they did I wouldn't know what year...

Kind of leaning towards TJ tbh but I'm not sure and I want you guys to have the input in that.

#4. After all the specials will be a Jefferson imagine. Haven't started it but I have a basis for what I want to happen.

#5. Just a little thank you in general to everybody reading this. I really didn't think many people would read this but it's my more popular book, I think. I wasn't sure about it since I always ask my friends what I should update/book ideas and they don't like Sebastian Stan like us fangirls do. So I couldn't really go to them for a opinion on this book.

#6. Slide into my dms. Like if you wanna talk about Seb or anything, shoot me a dm because I'm always willing to obsess- I mean talk about Seb or just talk about random stuff. I'm always free.

#7. Ending another one of my books soon. Then I'm starting up another one about a OC and Post-Winter Soldier's family. That will be a book #3 to my first book ever on here so. Yeah.

•Happy Holiday's my fellow Sebby obsessed friends•

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