°o. Wife ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe
**Part Five To Two Tickets**

"I got two tickets to Hawaii that my friend gave me. First one to grab a ticket gets to come."

Warning: So much fluff, creepy guy, death mentioned


Second to Last Day in Hawaii

"(Y/N)." Bucky shakes your arm. "(Y/N), doll, wake up."

"No." You mumble into the pillow.

"Why?" He questions as you roll onto your back.

"Because you're just going to make me sit here and ice my foot all day." You more of whine than explain.

"'Bout that." He sits down on the empty space between you and the edge of the bed. "I wanted to make it up to you for keeping you cooped up in here for the past few days."

"And how are you going to do that?" You question.

"I talked with some of the locals yesterday and they said there is a nice little park with a market in it that's walking distance from here." He explains. "There is also some places we could walk to after that. Then, at sevenish, we have a dinner reservation at a restaurant that the guy across the hall suggested."

"Was it that creepy guy who keeps taking the little shampoo containers from the maid's cart?" You ask, sitting up in the bed.

"No." He laughs causing you to smile a bit. "Now, get up and get ready. It's already noon." He pats your leg and stands up.


"Hope they have plums at the market." Bucky says as the two of you walk down the sidewalk. "I've been craving some lately."

"Of course, you have." You laugh. "You'd do anything for plums."

"No, I wouldn't." He shakes his head. "Plums are just fruits."

"You threatened Sam that you would kill him with the seed of the plum that he ate when he took one of them." You recall the memory. "'Just fruits' my ass."

"Shut up." Bucky gently knocks his shoulder against yours.

"You just spent three days in a hotel room with me, I think you know that's not possible." You smirk at him.


"How much for the necklace?" You ask the market vendor while Bucky is at the one across from you.

"Thirty." He says then looks you up and down. "But for you, twenty."

"I don't have twenty." You lie as you take out a ten dollar bill. "I have a ten, though."

"How 'bout a little kiss and I'll give it to ya for free." He reaches up and tucks a loose strain of hair behind your ear.

"No, thanks." You manage to stifle out. You take a step back and go to put back the necklace.

"Come on." He grabs your arm and pulls you back to him. "I'm just kidding, you don't need the necklace to trade a kiss from me, sweetheart."

"No, thank you again, sir." You pull your arm away from him and it hits someone behind you.

"Is everything alright here?" A deep voice asks, setting a hand on your shoulder. You look back to see who the man is and you smile.

"This doesn't concern you." The vendor spits, trying to grab you again but failing.

"It does concern me if she's my wife." Bucky wraps his metal arm around your waist, your cheeks turn a bit pink.

"I don't see a ring on that finger..." His voice trails off as you hold up your hand, a ring on your finger. "Uh..."

"That's what I thought." He nods and the two of you walk away.


"You okay?" Bucky asks, checking you for any visible injuries once you are a good ways away from the shop.

"I'm fine." You let out a breath. "That just has never happened to me before so I didn't know what to do."

"Well, it's not going to happen again." His eyes finally go back up to yours. "If it does someone is getting their ass whooped."

"I'm just glad I had the ring on today." You let out a little laugh.

"Why do you have that ring, anyways?"

"It was my mom's. My father gave them to me a few years after she died and I've always had it on my hand or on a chain around my neck." You explain.

"That's sweet." He smiles and grabs your hand to look at the ring. "If I had my ma's ring I would wear it... hell, even if I remembered what she looked like I would be happy." He whispers the last part but you still hear it.

You don't say anything knowing that he probably doesn't want to talk about it. All you do is lean up and peck his cheek.

"Come on." You grab his hand. "Let's go get you some plums."

After Dinner
Rental Car

"Dinner was amazing." You say as you get into the car.

"Hell yeah, it was." Bucky agrees. "Desert was better, though."

"Yeah." You nod while he puts the keys in the car and starts it up. He's about the put it in drive but he stops.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Bucky turns to you.


"I've had a great past few days with you. And to be honest, I've... uh..." He starts to stutter. "I've had a crush on you for a while now. Well, not for a while. Maybe since Steve introduced you to me but-- anyways back to what I was saying." He clears his throat.

"Will you do the honors of being my best girl?" He finally asks, his voice showing obvious nervousness and a little bit of fear.

You don't say anything for a few seconds because you are a bit stunned. You can't really form words at the moment so you just decide on putting your hand on the back of his head and pulling him into a kiss.

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