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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe
**Part Six To Two Tickets**

"I got two tickets to Hawaii that my friend gave me. First one to grab a ticket gets to come."

Warning: So much fluff, mentioning of inappropriate doings, kind of an eeehhh imagine



Last Day
Hotel Room's Balcony

"What are you doing out here?"

Bucky turns his head towards the voice to see you standing in the door frame of the sliding glass door. He smiles noticing what you're wearing, his dress shirt from last night.

"Just wanted to enjoy the Hawaii sunrise on our last day here." He simply explains. "Would you like to join me?" He offers, you give him a nod with a small smile forming on your face as you walk over to him in the hammock.

You carefully lay down on the hammock, making sure not to knock him over. Bucky wraps his arms around your torso as you rest your head on the crook of his neck. The two of you just lay there for a while.

"Thank you." Bucky says after a while.

"Mhmm?" You hum, looking up at him.

"I said thank you." He repeats, now looking down at you.

"For what?"

"For letting me come on this trip with you."

"Well, anyone on the team could have grabbed the tickets, you were just quick enough." You counter.

"I know but..." He takes a moment to gather his words. "If Pietro would have been a little less cocky, he would have been on this trip with you and last night wouldn't have happened. Or it would have but with Pietro but I don't want to think about that."

"If Pietro came with me, I would have immediately asked to change to a room with two beds." You assure with a slight chuckle. "As much as I like the guy, he's not my type."

"What is your type?" He asks with a smirk.

"Well..." You let out a deep breath. "I like guys who is a gentleman, a little bit old-fashioned, amazing at dancing, sparkling blue eyes, and beautiful dark brown hair." You slowly run your hand up his chest into his hair. "It's a must that he has a big heart. Especially when it comes to helping others. And I admire a guy who can still have a positive outlook on life even after the hell he's been put through.

"Oh! It's a plus if he has a cool metal arm." You add to the end and plant a small kiss on his metal shoulder.

"I think I know a guy who fits the bill." He admits.

"You do?" You act surprised. "Who? Maybe I know him."

"He's about ninety-nine years old." Bucky starts off causing you to chuckle. "And you had sex with him last night."

"James." You scold while hitting his chest.

"It's true." He shrugs.

"I know but you don't have to be so blunt." You shake your head at him, your cheeks flaming.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He chuckles. "How much time do we have left till we have to leave?"

"We have to get to the airport by eleven, the plane leaves at one-ish. So about four hours." You answer. "What do you wanna do?"

"Well." Bucky smirks. "I would love to--"

"No." You cut him off, knowing where he's going by his mischief tone of voice.

"I'll settle with laying here then." He sighs. "Maybe get some brunch or go for a walk."

"Sounds nice." You smile and nuzzle into the crook of his neck.


You and Bucky walk hand in hand down the sidewalk on the way back from the market you left early yesterday because of that creepy guy.

"What does this make us?" You daringly question as Bucky takes a bite of his plum.

"Mhmm?" He hums and turns his head to face you. "What do you mean?"

"Are we dating or was last night a one time thing? Or is this going to be a friends with benefits?" You hesitantly explain.

"I thought I was pretty clear on what I wanted this to be." He admits.

"Obviously not."

"I thought we could go steady." He mumbles, a blush coating his cheeks. "If-if-if that is okay, of course." He stutters.

"It's more than okay." You smile. "It's fan-fricking-tastic!"

Extend-ish Ending

You walk into the common room of the Avengers Tower with Bucky's arm around your waist.

"Oh, look whose ba--" Pietro starts to sass then notices how close you two are and a smile spreads across his face. "Are you two?" He gestures to your waist and you nod. "NATASHA! YOU AND SAM OWE ME AND STEVE HUNDRED DOLLARS!" He shouts then speeds off who knows where but he soon reappears. "You're welcome for not grabbing the ticket." He points at Bucky then speeds off again.

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