°o. Blurb #3 .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land of Romania

Honestly, it was going to be a cute thing but then my mind went to shameless flirting so next blurb will be a cute kid one.

Warning: Longer blurb...

Extra Info:
Your role is someone from Asgard who was sent down to stay with the Avengers to pretty much monitor Vision and the Infinity Stone in his forehead. You were in the first two Thor movies, end of Age of Ultron, and Civil War. You know Seb from working with him on Kings and Apparition. You were dating by the end of Kings and got married right after Apparition, had your daughter Natasha (or Tash) in the middle of the Winter Soldier filming.

(Y/S/S)= Your ship name



"What I didn't like is that catering had plums every day after we filmed the Bucharest scene." Sebastian answers the woman's question, the audience laughs. "I felt offended as Bucky like, they're just teasing him with all that plums that he never got."

You let out a long breath and put a guilt smile on your face. "That wasn't catering." You confess, Seb's jaw drops, everyone laughs.

"How rude!" He puts a hand over his heart and angrily pouts out his bottom lip, you smile at his adorableness. "I thought you were my wife, the person who I knew wouldn't mess with my plum problems." He sniffles and wipes away the 'tears'.

"Aww." You 'awe' with some of the crowd and stand up from your chair. "I'm swowy, Sebby." You wrap your arms around his shoulders and rest your chin on top of his head, pouting out your own lip as you do so. "Will you forgive me?"

"No." He shakes his head.

"Will you forgive me if I told you Anthony gave me the idea to do it?"


"Then I'ma just stay here until you do." You inform, resituating yourself to be behind him with both arms wrapped around his torso, chin still on top of his head.

"#(Y/S/S)" You hear a few people shout, you wink at them while planting a small kiss to Sebastian's head.

"Someone ask a question!" Seb demands, trying to hide his blush. "You with the amazing shirt!" He points to the guy at the microphone with a #BuckyProtectionSquad shirt.

"Hi, I was wondering out of all the people you've worked with, who was your favorite?"

"Outside of Marvel or inside?" Seb questions.

"Both." He shrugs.

"Well, I obviously love all my cast mates but it is a known fact that I have a huge girl crush on Hayley Atwell." You admit, Seb nods. "Like she's my co-star on Conviction and she's like my bestie on that show and I love her so much but it is so weird hearing her American accent all the time.

"So she's my fave outside of Marvel and inside I have to say--"

"Sebastian Stan." Said actor coughs, you (lightly) tap his head with the butt of your mic causing him to frown. "Hey, I am your all time favorite... I mean Sebastian Stan is your all time favorite cast mate." He 'subtly' corrects.

"I mean he's good, I guess." You shrug, the crowd chuckles. "But Tom was awesome to work with."

"Which one?" Seb questions.

"Both." You answer. "Hiddles and I could have fun together on set and had deep conversations--"

"Should I be worried Hiddleston might take my doll?" He jokes, you roll your eyes.

"You should be worrying about Tom Holland." You tease. "He's such a cutie." You gush. "Oh, and his best friend/assistant Harrison! Oh, my god, they're soooooooo cute and... I just want to adopt them."

"We're not adopting them." Seb sternly says. "We've had this conversation, Tash is enough."

"I'm still going to adopt them." You mumble, he rolls his eyes. "So, who are your favorite non-Marvel and Marvel people to work with?" You ask, unwrapping your arms from your husband.

"Marvel: Mr. Chocolate Chino and non-Marvel... uhh" He takes in a deep breath while thinking. "Meryl Streep."

"That's my favorite person you worked with too." You gasp.

"I know, you bothered me all the time when I was filming for Ricki & The Flash to take you to meet her." He scoffs slightly.

"It worked." You smile. "She said I had a very nice dress on at the premiere."

"It was very nice." Seb nods, remembering the number. "It also looked very nice on the floor of my bedroom." He slyly says and flips his hair, the crowd 'oohs'.

"That is false, he passed out on the way back from the After-Party." You clarify. "The only thing on the floor was your dignity."

The 'oohs' turn into 'ohs', you hear a young teenager shout "Roasted" also.

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