°o. Cheat? ~ Chris Beck .o°

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Chris Beck ~ The Martian
**Part 1**

You're a crew member of the Ares III on the way back from picking Watney up from Mars. It's a couple more months till you land so NASA has sent up a video chat with your fiance, Brett. There's been a too much going around the Hermes so you're really excited.

About mid-way through the video chat, btw.

Also might be a little short.

Italicized means what's going through your mind, what thoughts you have.


"I just can't wait till you get back." Brett, your fiance, smiles as he sits on the couch in the apartment you two share back on Earth.

"Me either." You smile back, wringing your hands together.

"Just imagine it," He leans back while stretching. "one month after you get back, we're gonna be Mr. and Mrs. Brett Mic--"

"Hey, sweetie!" I hear a female voice call in the background on his line.

Brett's face goes into slight panic mode but then he calms down. Your smile drops slightly.

"That must be my mother, she coming over to help on planning the wedding a little bit." He smiles. "Be right back." He holds up a finger and stands up.


A few minutes later he comes back with red stained lips and his shirt crinkled a bit. You click your tongue and hold back a few tears.

"I gotta go, forgot we had a meeting with the cake guy today." He runs his hand through his blonde hair. "I can't reschedule or we won't get the cake by your favorite baker for our wedding."

You swallow back a wave of tears. "Yeah, yeah. I understand."

"So sorry but I love you, miss you, and love you so, so, so much. I can't wait till you come back and we can get married." He says a bit rushed.

"Yeah... I love you and miss you too." You remark half-heartedly.

"Cya." He kissed the camera and turns it off.

You sit there in disbelief as you stare at the screen that showed the man you once loved.

How could he? I've been up here for what it seems is to be forever, but I thought he loved me. I thought we could handle this! When he went away on that fam-.

Then suddenly you realize something.

That wasn't a family trip. As stereotypical it is, he didn't have to work late. He wasn't visiting his mom. He was visiting his girlfriend. GIRLFRIEND!

When I was just sitting around the house or waving off the guys that flirted with me at the bar when I was out with my friends, he was with another girl! Another girl! Right now he is probably fuc--

"Hey, (Y/N)." A deep voice calls causing you to snap out of your thoughts. You shake your head drowning the thoughts out.

"Yeah, what?" You question with a weak voice.

"You're scheduled to do the flight course check-" He rushes his sentence slightly noticing your voice and your slouched over state. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." You take a deep breath. "Just... a little homesick." You lie while standing up and turning to face you best friend on the Hermes, Dr. Chris Beck in his blue long sleeve NASA sweater.

"I'll go do the check." You speed walk past him but he grabs your arm.

"You know you can tell me anything, right (Y/N)?" Beck questions trying to look you in the eye but you keep your head down while biting your lip slightly.

You lift your head up at look at him to see his face covered in concern and worry.

"Yeah, I know." You force a slight smile, reassuring him.

"Then are you sure you're homesick?"

You make yourself smile a bit more and nod. "I'm just a little homesick, Beck." You wiggle your arm out of his grip and walk to your station.


For the rest of the day after doing your duties, you just stay in your bunk. Avoiding everyone of the crew even Beck. You even deleted the photos you had of you and Brett on your computer. After going through the slideshow about 100 times, of course.

Now deleting the last reminds of Brett off your computer, you finally just are ready to let it all out. So you get up, take a deep breath and walk out of the bunk area.


You walk into the rec room to see Beck sitting on the couch, feet up on the little coffee table while reading a book. He hears your footsteps and looks up to see you on the verge of tear with your lip quivering slightly.

"Whats up?" He moves his feet off the table and sets his book down instead.

"I think... I think Brett's cheating on me." You admit.

"Come me're." He opens his arms out and you walk over to him and accepting the hug.

You cry into his shoulder while he rubs your back.


"Why?" You mumble after a few minutes. "Why would he do that? We've been together since we met at the coffee shop near the campus. And he's been cheating on me! How stupid could I be?"

"Well you're on a spaceship coming home from Mars." He points out making you laugh slightly. "And I don't know why he would cheat on a beautiful girl like you."

"Yeah why would he cheat on me?" You admit. "How-" You pull back from his embrace. "-how do I even know if he was cheating on me? Maybe I'm just being dramatic! Maybe that was actually his mom." You say hopefully.

He sighs and shrugs his shoulders.

"Maybe." His face drops slightly at your hope. "But... if anything happens between you two and if your assumption is right. You're free to bunk over at my place if you have nowhere else to go." He offers.

"Thanks." You smile. "But I don't think that'll be needed."He smiles back while you pull him in for another hug.

"No problem." He says as his face drops seeing the woman he loves making the mistake of life.


Sorry for the slightly rushed awkward ending.

But this one is going to have a part 2.


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