°o. Scars ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Requested by: supernaturaldean1 (Love your username)

Being an Avenger with a hurt past isn't anything new. But each Avenger has their own way dealing with their past. (I didn't know how to prompt this.)

Based off: The Drunken imagine short series thing (Kind of)

Warning: Self-harm, Family issues, Just basically trigger warnings. Sorry for any mistakes.

AN: Bruce didn't go on the mission because code green wouldn't have been needed since it was a smaller base. Kaylee x Bucky.


"Good work. guys." Tony compliments as the team walks out of the quinjet from a mission. "I think this calls for a celebra-" Everybody groans before he can finish his sentence. "What?"

"No parties." Natasha shakes her head.

"Why?" He whines.

"The last party we had I woke up in a tub filled with little wrapped butterscotch candies the next morning." She explains.

"And I lost my supply of butterscotch sweets." Thor sighs.

"Fine." Tony groans and slumps off to the elevator. "We'll have a movie night then!" He calls back.

"We have a debriefing in two hours!" Steve yells to him.

"Whatever." He waves back making Steve groan.

"I'm fine, Buck." You insist as the two of you walk towards the other elevator.

"Kaylee." Bucky walks in front of you and stops. "Steve had to pop your shoulder back into the socket."

"So all I need to do is ice it." You try to shrug but fail.

"Let Banner check it out." He commands.


"Please." He begs and loosely grips your arms. "Just have him look at it." He gives you his famous puppy dog eyes. "Please."

You stare at him as you cross your arms.

"Fine." You give in.

"Thank you." He leans down and pecks your lips. "I'll walk you to the medical wing."

"No, you need to take a shower." You bring your uninjured arm's hand up to his face to wipe the dirt off his cheek.

"Okay." He turns his head and swiftly kisses your hand before walking off to the elevator. "Cya at the debriefing, doll." He waves at you.

"Cya, Buck." You give him a little wave.

Medical Wing

"Brucie." You call out to him as he does some paperwork.

"Kaylee." He spins around in his chair to look at you. "To what do I owe this pleasure?

"Bucky thinks you should check out my shoulder." You respond as you walk over to him.

"Why?" He questions while standing up and gesturing for you to sit on the bed. "What happened?"

"I dislocated my shoulder and Steve popped it back in." You hop onto the bed. "Told him that I could just ice it."

"Kaylee." He scolds. "This is not something you can just ice, even though you do need to ice it." He adds quickly. "I need to see is there is any bruising so take off your shirt, please."

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now