°o. (Y/N) ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Civil War Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

Originally Requested by: @Son_Gorin

*Part 5 to Mini Barnes*

Captain America is surprised to find what he does at his old friend's apartment.

Warning: anxiety, rusty writing lol

Background Info:
Look at the other parts

Note: Italicized means it is in Romanian now or a different language, it's easier to read in my opinion. And when it italicized without "" its your thoughts.



Your heartbeat picks up as you stare up at the building that has police tape surrounding it. The last several months of what you and Bucky have built up is gone. You know the UN has probably torn your tiny apartment to shreds, finding anything and everything to relate Bucky to the bombings. Turning everything against him. Your home is gone.

Bucky and Kate are gone.

Don't show any emotion. You think to yourself, Blend in. You remind, wiping the few tears away. You look around the crowd that has gathered, making sure no one has noticed your slip up.

Nothing exciting ever happens too often in the neighborhood you live in so it's no surprise at how big the crowd of people has gathered. Especially with how high profile the news story was.

You make way through the throng of people, weaving and bobbing, mumbling a few excuse me's but your body has gone into autopilot.

Once you get out, you stop, taking in what has happened. Holding back tears is getting harder and harder. You lower the brim of you cap and slide your sunglasses on, trying to hide.

This wouldn't have happened if I didn't leave. You shook your head, mindlessly walking through the streets. If I would've stayed, I could've helped or at least be with them.

You left a few days ago, Bucky and you both agreed that Bucharest was getting too much for the three of you so it would be better to look at somewhere else to live. There is a small town on the border of Bulgaria and Romania that you heard someone from the market speak about. It immediately drew you and Bucky in.

It has a small population, a farming town more than anything. It was beautiful, away from everyone and everything. It would've been the perfect place for Kate to grow up. You and Bucky talked about the possibility of settling down for a long time... well a longer time than usual.

You smile, it was bittersweet thinking now. The two of you thought the coast was clear, Bucky was starting to get better and you were starting to get better. The habits you learned in Hydra going away faster than Bucky's but they were going away nonetheless. The training, though rusty, but will forever stick with the two of you. Memories randomly resurface but it's no longer starting from point a when they are remembered... Everything was slowly falling into place for the little family the two of you created.

Lost in your thoughts, you find yourself outside of a Starbucks. It was one of those Starbucks with couches and bookshelves. A place where aspiring writers would sit down and leech off of anything for inspiration.

You sit down at a tall table outside, dazed. What the hell are you supposed to do now?

It's the UN.

If it was back in your Hydra days, you could easily find a way to track them. It would be a piece of cake. But, you've been out since you were pregnant with Kate. Plus you don't have any access to the technology that Hydra had. The most you have is a burner phone that you barely know how to use.

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