°o. Jimmy Fallon ~ Sebastian Stan .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land Of Romania

Feat. Jimmy Fallon and the Roots

You and Seb get an interview on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon about Captain America: Civil War (the feelz). You and Seb have been dating for awhile now but haven't publicly announced it. The only people who know are dating the Marvel people you worked with, family, and friends. Jimmy is one of your friends, that know btw. But you recently got engaged so you want to announce that on The Tonight Show.

Btw your character (in Marvel) is Bucky's love interest from the forties and in CW. Your character got frozen in the ice too and worked for SHIELD after she unfroze. You were in Captain America: Winter Soldier too.


There will be photos talked about in this part so whatever number is in parenthesizes next to sentence, is what picture they're talking about.

But #5 is what Seb is wearing and #11 is what you're wearing.


(Y/F/N)= Your First Name
(Y/L/N)= Your Last Name


"And welcome to the stage. Sebastian Stan and (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N)!!!!" Jimmy Fallons yells and the crowd cheers and claps.

We walk out from backstage onto the main stage waving and smiling at the crowd and cameras as the Roots play a tune.

"Welcome to the show." Jimmy shakes your hand.

"Thank you." You smile as you take a seat in the chair next to his desk.

"Glad to have you guys on." He shakes Sebastian's hand.

"Glad to be here." Seb replies and sits down on the couch next to the chair you are sitting in.

"Uh. Thank you guys for coming on the show tonight. Especially the day before the premiere." Jimmy starts, you two nod as he continues. "I know it's been busy for you guys with all the interviews and press stuff. So how have those been?"

"We actually just got done with another interview with some guys and they pranked us so that we a good, uh, breather from all the typical interviews with the press." Seb answers for the both of you. "I had one with Mackie and Chris the other day while she had one with Elizabeth and Jeremy. And this is our last one for the next week."

"Are you guys going to be at Comic Con for any of the panels this summer?" He questions.

"Yeah, I know that one of the panels will be hosted by Chris Hardwick from the Nerdist when we're in San Diego on the second day. Then another on the last day." You sum up. "And I'm excited for that because Comic Con has the best cosplay-"

"-Nerd-" Seb coughs and clears his throat making the crowd laugh as you shoot him a death glare.

"And I'm thinking that I might dress up if my manger lets me; which is probably a no. But if she says yes-" You turn to look at Sebastian. "-I'm making my f-boyfriend dress up too." You correct yourself while smirking at him and turn back to look at Jimmy.

Jimmy chuckles slightly. "Do you think he'll enjoy that?"

"Well, he's dressed up as a superhero many of times before and occasionally a fairytale character, so I think he'll be fine with it." You lean on the chair's arm with your elbow.

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now