°o. Sick Of It ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

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Post-Civil War Bucky Barnes ~ Marvel Cinematic Universe

A little while after Civil War, Tony and Steve made up and brought the team back together. Steve, of course, brought his bestie Bucky with to join the team and get back to his good ways. But, Tony still is rude to him because of the whole "he killed my father" thing. But one day, you get sick of it.

Warning: Tony Stark is a dick so much, Bucky getting bullied (I do not condone Bucky Bear abuse), Stark!Reader, lil' bit of fluff

AN: This was too good for me not to write, I'm sorry it's not a sentence request, though.

(Y/F/B)= Your favorite breakfast

Also, check out Fandoms_Hero 's Steve and Bucky Imagines (Book 2)


"Ooohh, Buckyyyy!" You call out in a sing-song voice as you walk into the common room.

"Yes?" He directs his attention to you instead of the notebook on the coffee table in front of him.

"Can I braid your hair?" You innocently ask, he lets out a snort.


"I finished season 11 of Supernatural on Netflix and I'm bored." You pout out your bottom lip while plopping down on the couch behind him (he's sitting on the carpet between the coffee table and the couch).

Bucky just lets out a sigh before scooting back so that you can have better access to his beautiful brown locks.

A small smile spreads across your face when little moments like these happen. You running your hands in his long hair to smooth it out before separating the top in three pieces. Then slowly and carefully weaving in smaller strands to create a french braid.

And you know, even if he doesn't admit it, Bucky loves the feeling of your nimble fingers running through his hair. The normality of the small gesture and the quietness makes a calming environment for him to just close his eyes and relax.

"You know..." Bucky speaks up after a bit of silence. "back in my day, we didn't need silly tv shows to entertain us."

"Oh really?" You hold back a smile as you try to push him to continue. "What did you do to entertain yourself?"

"Well," He lets out a content sigh. "little ol' Stevie and I used to--"

Bucky's story gets cut off but a snort of laughter.

You look up to see your older brother shaking his head with an amused smile on his father as he sorts through the pile of mail on the coffee table.

"What's so funny?" You question.

"Just..." Tony looks up and into the distance. "the idea of just him talking about 'the good ol' days' when all I can think of all the innocent people he's killed throughout his life." He shrugs causing your jaw to drop slightly and stop braiding Bucky's hair.

You know how much your brother doesn't really like him but you really didn't expect such a passive aggressive comment like that. Well, not really passive, but it was really aggressive.

You slightly get pulled into reality as you feel the hair slip out from your fingers.

"Buck--" You reach out to catch his hand.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired." He brushes your hand off and walks out of the room.

"Wow, what's got him all cranky?" Tony questions once Bucky is out of earshot, your head snaps up towards him.

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