°o. Blurb #13 .o°

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Requested by Alanomala


"It's mail day!" Chris screeches as he runs into the 'computer room' (as he calls it). It's been too long since he has gotten any interaction with the people he loves. He thought he could handle being away for so long but his heart can't take it... I guess leaving your newly wedded wife two weeks after your honey moon wasn't the best idea.

He rushes past Martinez and slips into the seat causing Watney to almost sit on his lap.

"Woah, calm your tits, Chrisy." Watney teases, knowing how antsy the brunette has been getting the last few weeks. "It's only been a few months since you've seen your 'pookie'."

"Few months too long." He sighs. He then clicks the email folder of his stuff and connects it to his tablet so he can read it off of there. Chris gets up once everything is loaded onto his device, and heads to the common room.

But he doesn't even get out of the room before the whole room comes crashing down around him.

"Holy fuck." He swears, collapsing onto the nearest chair. From the force of the drop, the rolling chair sends him into the wall. He then hunches over to set the tablet on the floor but he does not come back up. He just sits there, folded like a lawn chair with his head between his knees and his hands in his hair.

The team sends each other looks, confused to why their friend just physically broke down. It's not until Chris starts mumbling stuff under his breath when someone steps in.

"Um, Christopher?" Watney carefully walks over to him, taking slow steps to not startle him. "Are you okay?"

The botanist finches back as the doctor abruptly stands up.

"Do I look o-fucking-kay?" He questions. "We're I don't even know how many billion miles from Earth and I get an email from my wife saying she's pregnant." He runs his hands through his hair, holding one of his hands at the base of his neck.

"And-and-and now she's at home right now, sick and throwing up because of the half me-half her fetus kid human thing in her stomach." He starts breathing heavily, brain going wild, not even realizing that Martinez has snuck around and grabbed the tablet.

"I'm not even there to hold her hair back in the mornings, to go out at midnight when she wants ice cream or something-- Oh my god!" He falls back into the chair behind him. "I'm not even going to be there for the birth of my own child!

"What if the kid doesn't even like me when I come back? What if when they grow up, they hate me because I wasn't there for their birth?!" Chris' chest starts to heave up in down as his breathing goes uneven. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god..." He repeats burying his head in his hands.

"Hey." Martinez sets a hand on the brunette's shoulder. "Calm down, okay, it's going to be fine." He assures, kneeling down beside him.

"How do you know?" Chris demands, his voice shaking with tears. "You were there for your kids' births."

"Yeah, and my hand still hasn't healed yet." He tries to lighten the mood. Chris just shakes his head. "Plus, if you read on, you would've seen this." He hands him the tablet once he sits up.

Chris just frowns when he sees the picture of the ultra sound. "How is this supposed to help?" He questions.

"Just read under it."

Chris lets out a sigh while shaking his head once again. His eyes skim the screen, your voice reading along with it.

This is our little astronaut. I didn't ask to know the gender because I wanted to see what you wanted to do. I didn't know if you wanted the gender to be a surprise or if you wanted to know right off the bat...

And yes, I know this'll be hard with you being in space and all but we'll manage. I'll send you updates as much as I can and try to include you in everything I can. We are both parents of this lil' bean inside me so we're making this decision together.

Also, before you start worrying, my parents and your parents are already planning their rotations with who is staying with me the next seven months. And you won't be missing anything, I'm recording the important stuff. So, by the next email, I'll have a little video for you.

So, basically, I'm becoming a vlogger for you, space boy and you're subscribed for life.

(Y/N) aka (Y/N/N) aka Mrs. Beck aka The Mother of Your Child aka Carrier of Baby Beck aka Pookie

I know you'll get down on yourself for not being here, so, if you want, I'll simulate the birth for you. I'm not recording the birth because that shit is terrifying.

And when I mean 'I'll simulate the birth', I mean we're getting those birth simulator things and hooking it up to you. Sorry, not sorry. Love ya, hun'.

"See?" Martinez knocks shoulders with him, snapping him out of his daze. "Everything will be alright... space boy." He smirks.

"Okay, sir." Chris glares at him causing the team to burst out into giggles while Martinez saunters away. "Only my pookie can call me that."

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