AN: Tags

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I don't remember who tagged me cuz it's been like a couple weeks since I was tagged but here it is.

Tag #1:

1) How old are you?
I'm 13; 14 in a couple months.

2) Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have two dogs; one a long haired dachshund and the other a german rottweiler.

3) What are they called?
The dachshund is named Ruby and the rottweiler is named Rocky.

4) Favorite show?
Currently Psych, Agent Carter, and Supernatural

5) Amazon or Netflix?

6) Are you in Hydra or SHIELD?
I took a quiz and it said I would be in SHIELD.

7) Favorite Marvel film?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Deadpool

8) Do you think Pietro Maximoff is dead?
Honestly, I hope not but he probably is since Marvel needs a character they actually kill off and not come back to life.

9) X-Men Pietro or Avenger Pietro?
Avenger Pietro

10) Would you rather be in the X-Men or Avengers?

11) Are these tag things annoying you?

Kind of... I liked them but when people update it gets me excited then I realize it's a tag.

12) Do you think that Leo DiCaprio will win an Oscar?
I don't know, what movies was he in this year?

13) Favorite Fandom that you are in?
The Sebastian Stan fandom... I love everyone in it and they are so nice and amazing and they get my obsession with Sebby.

Tag #2:

1) Who is your celebrity crush?
Sebastian Stan, Aaron Taylor Johnson, Chris Hemsworth, and Channing Tatum. But mostly SEBASTIAN STAN OMFG.

2) Favorite Disney movie?
Disney bought Marvel sooo CA:TWS but an actually Disney movie; High School Musical

3) Jeans or skirt?

4) Favorite season?
Spring because that's when all the good movies come out

5) Cookies or cupcakes?

6) Makings sandcastle sir swimming?
I think it was supposed to say 'Making sandcastles or swimming' so making sandcastles.

7) Weirdest thing you've dreamt
I don't have a lot of weird dreams (that I remember) but my friend (Fandoms_Hero) had a dream that Thor hugged Agent_Anna and her head popped off.

8) Should there be a group chat in Wattpad?
Sure but I wouldn't use it a lot since I only talk to the people who request imagines or my friends (which is only 2 people #Loner).

9) Do you have any pets?
Yes, I do.

10) What is the best smell?

11) Polka dots or stripes?
Stripes because America.

12) What is the weirdest Wattpad story you ever read?
I have a book of pickup lines that I read, I guess

13) What color shirt are you wearing?
Black... like my soul!




Sooo I just saw Deadpool and I fucking loved BRAVO!! AMAZING!!! I loved all of it but the parts where they were fondueing.

Next book I will be updating will be Avenge.

~Zoe aka Captain Meowlnir-- No, just Meowlnir

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now