°o. Blurb #4 .o°

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Sebastian Stan ~ The Wonderful Land of Romania

So, this literally came to me when I saw the gif of Seb in that new trailer for I'm Dying Up Here and that one quote of him saying that he used to keep the bud of the cigarette he just smoked for good luck on auditions.

Also, you pregnant.


"Sebastian!" You cut his sentence off. "I told you, I don't think it's the best idea for you to take that part!"

"Why not!?" He demands.

"Because it's not a good idea." You manage to calmly say for the tenth time since Seb brought this up a new role he was up for a few days ago.

"How is it not a good idea?" Seb asks, trying to match your tone but it still comes out as a little whine. "It's the main lead in a movie for one of the most well-known directors and companies. This may launch my career!" He defends.

"Seb, you work for Marvel." You deadpan, setting down your fork to give him a serious look.

He opens his mouth to counter but he knows that Marvel has done a lot for his career ever since he went in for the Cap auditions and got cast for Bucky. He just lets out a sigh and you both go back to eating dinner.

"Is it because of the sex scene?" Your husband quietly guesses, you look up and give him the ultimate 'really' face.

"Sweetheart." You gape. "Did you not see The Bronze?"

"I-I-I-I just can't think of anything wrong with that part other than the sex scene." He leans back in his chair while running a hand through his short hair. You just shake your head while finishing Seb's famous spaghetti bolognese.

"Can you please tell me?" Sebastian begs, you shrug and go to stand up but he beats you to it. His mind wanders to whatever could be the reason why you don't want him to do this movie as he takes your empty dishes to the sink.

Later That Night

You and Sebastian are laying on the couch in the living room while watching a random movie you've found on Netflix. Well, you are watching the movie while your husband rubs circles on your swollen stomach, occasionally pressing his ear to it or feeling a kick.

"Wait." Sebastian pops up, you raise your eyebrows at him. "Is it the smoking?"

"It took you that long to figure it out?" You scoff at him.

"You didn't really give me any hints." He mumbles, you give him a warning look.

"And you know why." You point out, he frowns remembering that brutal debate about who would win in a fight: Batman or Spiderman.

"If you are worried about the smoking, I won't bring you on set when we are filming those scenes." He suggests, you shake your head while sitting up.

"I'm not worried about the baby, I'm worried you'll get hooked back on smoking." You confess, his mouth opens slightly as a soft look appears on his face.

"Doll." Seb coos.

"You worked so hard to stop smoking and I don't want you to throw it all away just for you a part in a stupid movie." You admit, he goes silent for a bit.

"First of all, it's not a stupid movie." The Romanian starts, you glare at him. "Second of all, I'm not going to go back to smoking." He assures, setting a comforting hand over yours. "I know how addicting it can get and I will stop when I feel like it's become a habit."

"I still don't know, Sebastian." You shake your head. "I--"

"How 'bout this?" He cuts you off. "I request those fake cigarette things instead of real ones instead?" He suggests, a hopeful look on his face. "Please." He begs after a while of silence.

"Fine." You sigh, he jumps up from the couch and does a little dance causing you to laugh.

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now